is it possible for someone to do a "bridge" between old and new insim?... so we can use old insim addons like pitspotter and so on.
I checked new insim docs and it looks like it would be possible... am I wrong?
there are some serious issues in this task. The main problem is, that Scawen has thrown away unnecessary information (e.g. ConnNum, instead using UCID what is not the same) and removed redundant information (e.g. nicknames only in IS_NCN and IS_NPL but no longer in IS_CNL, IS_PLP, IS_PLL ....). Therefore such a bridge would need to keep track of a lot of information or needs to ask LFS for further information to translate one packet. And in some cases it would need to generate the information itself at all (e.g. PlyNum, ConnNum...).
Nevertheless I am working on such a tool (for 3 weeks now). There will be no guarantee that it will work with every addon, indeed I will not implement translation for all the packages. But I will release the source code too (soon).