The online racing simulator
Full gas without the "white top"
I was wondering how much i am loosing on my time if my gas isn't at the full, if there is no white top on the gas pedal bar ?

I'm having problems with my Momo pedals, and gas is sometimes with the "white top" and sometimes without it, more often without it, so i don't know if im loosing speed without it, how much gas that white top represents?

Is there a way to eliminate that with DXTweak? I eliminated the constant 5% brake pressed, but i don't know if this can be solved with it?

And BTW, it would be nice if that white can be some other color as i barely distinguish beatween light green and white, more so since W test patches, as it is much smaller now..
I own a momo too. I think the best case would be recalibrating the pedals
You do lose a good chunk of speed and lap time without the ability to go full power.
One thing I have always hated about the newer wheels/peddals is the fact that they calibrate all the bloody time.
There's nothing worse then driving 10 laps with no issues and the 11th, the brake goes soft or hard because the software decided so.
I use split axis now and it may cause all of the problems you heard about here :rolleyes:
there is a program called dxtweak2,it helped me out,when i had a momo,was the same problem,not full gas.I set it up with that program and all was good.I hope it helps
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#6 - Woz
Yep simple with dxtweak2. I have my clutch so that only 1/3 of the travel neat the top of the travel has any effect so it operates more realisticaly
#7 - ZORER
I have the same problem on my momo. But solved it easily. Just go to calibration screen in lfs and while calibrating the gas pedal don't floor it.Use about %95 of it and finish calibration. Now Lfs thinks %95 of pedal is full throttle so you get rid of that crappy last %5 of the pedal.Now you can floor the pedal and your car will go full speed.
Ok guys, thanks, i'll try with that calibration trick in LFS, and if that doesn't help i'll go with Dxtweak..
definitely is a common momo racing issue.
got that too, my gas pedal way is calibrated 75% though.
simple yet effective.
Forget DXTweak, you can´t solve that hardware-problem with it.

Search for Momo-Racing Fix or something like that.
I can´t help with my broken englih, sorry.
Don't forget DXTweak. It works. Open DXT, play around with the pedals a bit and see how much it's thrown off by and adjust the appropriate axis accordingly.
Boris, if nothing else works, simply unplug the usb cable from the computer and plug it back in. This resets the wheel and will temporarily fix this problem. I have to dothis sometimes when my brake is pressed half way, and it works perfectly.
#13 - Woz
Quote from Sven Menkhoff :Forget DXTweak, you can´t solve that hardware-problem with it.

Search for Momo-Racing Fix or something like that.
I can´t help with my broken englih, sorry.

Actually you can. You just make it so the travel only counts while below where the pedal does not register and problem solved.
DXtweak2 solved the problem, thanks guys for the help..