The online racing simulator
Uh About that new patch...
(6 posts, started )
Uh About that new patch...
Hi. I'm glad that the patch got releases without any major hassles or bugs.
Unfortunately, I threw my back out a couple a days ago and haven't had the chance to try it out .
Anyways, I do have a little suggestion regarding patch X.
You ought to update the page on soon. It still says "w" in real big letters. oops make that LETTER.
I'm not trying to be all nitpicky and splitting hairs or anything, just got a little confused there.

Oh well, hopefully my back will calm down enough to play with the new patch a little later. And I hope I won't get banned due to back spasms

you know, it's really hard NOT to take the devs development of this game for granted. They never just "sling something out". I've come to expect every patch as being just one step closer to perfection. This game's overall quality and how its made should be used as a benchmark for other developers of games - no matter what the genre.
Try refreshing the page pressing Ctrl + F5.
#3 - SamH
Hmm.. the front page changed a few hours after Patch X was released. There are two possibilities. First, your browser has cached an old copy of the page. Press F5. If that doesn't work, press Ctrl+F5. If that doesn't work either, then it's probably your ISP that's caching content. AOL used to do that, and it sucked.

edit: Beaten by illegal
DOH!!! thanks.
Learn something new every day
Can I get away with blaming my stupidity on extreme pain?
hope your back gets better soon mate
#6 - J.B.
On Firefox? Try typing about:config into the adress bar, go to


and change the setting to 1 to make FF refresh more often. One of the many reasons I've always said that at default settings IE is better than FF.

Uh About that new patch...
(6 posts, started )