Take a trip to a local school

Opps sry, dont do that anymore
OK couple of things. If you are driving please can you post here and approx location so that people that are not driving, could get a lift, and then possibly you could PM people if you are staying, or coming home same day etc etc.
I have said already that I am from Norfolk, as well as Tristan and Danowat also, so anybody here is OK. Although just found out, I might have a car full already. Three Jump and BBO from T7R have reg interest in flying over from Germany for this meeting. Now thats Dedication

Also, I did warn you, T7R never come alone
I will send out my address and telephone numbers ( Yes I trust you evil lot

) to the people that have confirmed in the next couple of days. I just want to check, check and double check everything is in place before I start begging for your money.
I have been swamped by PM's and emails asking about the team situation and the following questions:
I do not race in a team, can I still come
I don't have a team m8, sorry I cannot come
Can I race on my own?
I am not well known so I won't come.
Well this needs clearing up a little. Whether you race in a team, on your own or just brought LFS, what ever,your situation, the fact remains, that you play the same game we do and this is the sole reason for the get together. To meet people in true form that you race online, day in day out.
Racing in your Team is a great idea, and some will work, but for others, its impossible ( due to geographical locations etc etc )
Everybody is welcome. If you pay your deposit then you have booked your karting Seat, plain and simple. We are allowed 10 teams on track. Whether this is 2 drivers per team, or 3, thats up to you, but more drivers = less track time, so please think about this.
For people that are either not in a team, or come on there own, don't worry, you will be paried up with somebody.
This is an Enduro Race, so driver changes are required, just like the ESL Enduro League, so this is very close to LFS.
The cost is £120 per TEAM not driver. Its £60 per driver if 2 of you are in a team, or £40 per driver if 3 of you are in a team. Although I have booked my place already, and I very happy to switch around to accomdate others, and I am just happy to be at such an event
Well I hope this clears things up a little. If not then please feel free to PM, Email, MSN me.
PS - And please remember the sole reason for the meeting is to have some fun away from your TFT screens