The online racing simulator
Doesn't look like there will be anyone else is interested in dE, from what I see in this short time.

Goph and I will form a team, ex-dE and dE, or 'old-buggers team' probably
good on u :P

is turning out to be quite an event
Excellent gav. This is great, and all this in less than 48hrs Fantastic Community we have here

and we can have the first ever race report of a REAL LFS race on LFS News!
Quote from P1lot :Doesn't look like there will be anyone else is interested in dE, from what I see in this short time.

Goph and I will form a team, ex-dE and dE, or 'old-buggers team' probably

Cool Gav, whats the bet i'll be the oldest bugger there as well :gandalf: hi ho, anyway atleast i wont be the largest..Ah Shaunie..

Read this all you old british farts, made me laugh.
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OK, I'm going to confirm now, i'll be with [4sr] but if there is only one person in a team then feel free to ask me.

just to ask, if anyone has their own video cameras, pls bring them so we can make a highlights video at the end, with driver interviews, podium presentations and prize giving and maybe some onboard footage too!
I am bringing my Digi Camcorder with spare Tapes

Will, can you confirm a place to start meeting people before the Karting, and then I suppose, then next step is getting the money out of people so we can pay our deposit and confirm the booking with gpkarting.

well, depends where everyone wants to go... we need somewhere big and easily findable, and it needs to cater for 30+ peeps... we cant drink before the event. i cant think tbh...
I'm up for the onboard footage, you can strap anything you want to my kart :P
I'll pop a cheque in the post to you tomorrow Fordie.

Afterwards, I'm easy. As long as we all have a laugh, I don't mind if we go to a pub, or sit in a carpark (though the latter option will see us beaten up in the dodgy parts of N'hampton).

The more cameras we can get, and the more footage from different corners the better. Also, an onboard camera would be ACE. I have an adaptor for a roll-hoop in a car, but I doubt this'd fit onto a kart. Will, if you can get me some dimensions of a suitabel mounting point, then I can easily make a camera adaptor. No hacksaw jokes either...
Quote from snewham :I'm up for the onboard footage, you can strap anything you want to my kart :P

A goat?
Nice one, what time will the karting finish?
I believe after all the racing, presentations and chit chat, I think we will be vacating the building between 6:30 and 7pm

Then back for s**t, shave and shampoo ready for the evenings Entertainment ( and I will get in there before gopher does this time )

Not me Dancing :em31::haha:

When is the deadline for confermation?
Quote from Fordman :I believe after all the racing, presentations and chit chat, I think we will be vacating the building between 6:30 and 7pm

Then back for s**t, shave and shampoo ready for the evenings Entertainment ( and I will get in there before gopher does this time )

Not me Dancing :em31::haha:


think I might skip the evenings entertainment and get the train back home, don't think I can afford a hotel lol
I have just rang the Hotel ( Ibis ) and I have the reservations manager calling my back in the morning, regarding if we can get a discount if people stay at this Hotel.

snewham - Rooms are £40 per night, not per person, so if you shared a room, thats only £20 Just an idea

But anyway, when they ring me back, I will post info here, if we can get a discount

yea tristan i was just designing a mounting point for the camera, but as i no longer have access to a lathe or vertical mill, ill send the drawings to u once they are done.

i was thinking maybe attatch one to peoples lids, the owners wont mind, we used to drive round holding the camera in one hand, so aslong as its securely fitted... maybe to the drivers chest, or to the rear of the sidepod, like this set of onboard pro-kart (rental kart ) videos.
Just a thought, for people that are staying over. Can I have an Approx Number of who is wanting a hotel room. Just an approx, then I can push for a nice discount.


Do you think it would be good for videos if every team had their own colour and every team wore a different coloured bib?

so we could tell roughly who is who, looking back on videos and photos etc..?
well, what do u mean bib? can u get some?
Nice idea, if you (or someone) can get/hire/borrow/steal some.
Couple of things
Take a trip to a local school Opps sry, dont do that anymore

OK couple of things. If you are driving please can you post here and approx location so that people that are not driving, could get a lift, and then possibly you could PM people if you are staying, or coming home same day etc etc.

I have said already that I am from Norfolk, as well as Tristan and Danowat also, so anybody here is OK. Although just found out, I might have a car full already. Three Jump and BBO from T7R have reg interest in flying over from Germany for this meeting. Now thats Dedication Also, I did warn you, T7R never come alone


I will send out my address and telephone numbers ( Yes I trust you evil lot ) to the people that have confirmed in the next couple of days. I just want to check, check and double check everything is in place before I start begging for your money.


I have been swamped by PM's and emails asking about the team situation and the following questions:

I do not race in a team, can I still come
I don't have a team m8, sorry I cannot come
Can I race on my own?
I am not well known so I won't come.

Well this needs clearing up a little. Whether you race in a team, on your own or just brought LFS, what ever,your situation, the fact remains, that you play the same game we do and this is the sole reason for the get together. To meet people in true form that you race online, day in day out.

Racing in your Team is a great idea, and some will work, but for others, its impossible ( due to geographical locations etc etc )

Everybody is welcome. If you pay your deposit then you have booked your karting Seat, plain and simple. We are allowed 10 teams on track. Whether this is 2 drivers per team, or 3, thats up to you, but more drivers = less track time, so please think about this.

For people that are either not in a team, or come on there own, don't worry, you will be paried up with somebody.

This is an Enduro Race, so driver changes are required, just like the ESL Enduro League, so this is very close to LFS.

The cost is £120 per TEAM not driver. Its £60 per driver if 2 of you are in a team, or £40 per driver if 3 of you are in a team. Although I have booked my place already, and I very happy to switch around to accomdate others, and I am just happy to be at such an event

Well I hope this clears things up a little. If not then please feel free to PM, Email, MSN me.



PS - And please remember the sole reason for the meeting is to have some fun away from your TFT screens
Just so you know, i'll need a hotel room.


UK LFS meet, All Welcome
(492 posts, started )