Help with Patch X Mayhem
(27 posts, started )
Help with Patch X Mayhem
Since Patch X 2 of our 4 servers have been full with 47 racers. Controlling this is a nightmare. So much so that we are now getting arguments all the time and some of our regulars racers are fed up. The swearing and chat is allarming.

I am sure over the next few months there will be several control system and other mods that will help.

We are currently have one written but Patch X has put that back several months.

I am not a programmer but have a request which i was wondering if any of you could help with.

The only server entry control we have is by password, but if you use one it gets passed around.

I simply want to make a txt list of usernames that allowed entry, eg.


And if your name is not in the list you cannot get on or even better you can only spectate.

It sounds simple so can anyone help - PLEASE

Well if you're only going to allow a select few on your server why did you bother to set it up for the maximum slot usage?
Birder, check your pms
If you want only selected people to access your server, put a password on it and give it to those people who you're willing to allow on your server :S
Quote from russraine :Well if you're only going to allow a select few on your server why did you bother to set it up for the maximum slot usage?

Basically we will allow anyone race on CD1, once we feel a racer can race fair and safe he will be added to the "Pro-server" list

Prior to Patch X we had been working on a new system and we expect about 3000 racers in the list, but patch X has put that back for some time.
Quote from NotAnIllusion :If you want only selected people to access your server, put a password on it and give it to those people who you're willing to allow on your server :S

We tried it with a password when we first ran the LFS GTR League and with 500 members, people passed it on. A password works well with a limited few, but is no good for large quantitys.
I could make an insim for you, that runs with PHP (5).

When a player joins, it checks the file to see if the user is there, if not, give it a 24hr ban

That sound good?

email me at mark (at) crypticthoughts (dot) com
White lists have been suggested before in the improvement suggestions, I still think it would be a good feature to have, too.
Quote from thisnameistaken :White lists have been suggested before in the improvement suggestions, I still think it would be a good feature to have, too.

Hmmm.........not sure I like this idea that much, and TBH Kev, I am suprised you think it's a good feature.

All sounds a bit elitist to me.........
birder, as discussed attached is the latest version of luaLFS (0.7 - as yet unreleased in the "offical" topic), and the undercontrol module.

All you need to do is edit the config.lua file (it's a text file), and add the licence names of the players you want to beable to race - if you set "canspectate" to true, it will allow non listed players to spectate, but not race.

You should see the denied message is also editable in the config.lua file.

Any admin which logs onto the server, regardless of whether or not they're listed, can race and join.

You can make luaLFS quit when logged in as an admin by sending;
!quit or /i !quit in a message (within LFS)
You can make luaLFS "rehash" (that is to reload the config files without quitting) by typing the following as an administrator;
!rehash or /i !rehash in a message (within LFS)

There's also the following commands which I left in by default

If you change the prefix in the config file the commands will use that prefix instead (i.e. if you set prefix to ', 'quit would make luaLFS quit).

I've also left the welcome announce code in - again, editable in config.lua.

If you use the quit command luaLFS will not automatically reconnect, even if you set the auto_reconnect setting to 1 (which you may want to do - you'll probably want to discuss this with your host though).

Edit: Updated version has been attached
Quote from the_angry_angel :birder, as discussed attached is the latest version of luaLFS 0.7

Fantastic, i will try it as soon as i can get franky500

thank you so much
Quote from danowat :Hmmm.........not sure I like this idea that much, and TBH Kev, I am suprised you think it's a good feature.

All sounds a bit elitist to me.........

At the moment we have 5000 GTR racers who have recorded a faster time than 1:44 in a GTR on AS3, Over 1000 have done below 1:40.99's (Patch W)

Its not elitist as i will add them all into the system so they can race on CD2, CD1 will stay open to all and those who race fair will go in the list, however they can spectate on CD2 if they want.

That way at least on CD2 we will get a few good races without all the "Blue flag" stuff and arguments with people who have done less than 100 laps. You can only understand by having ago. Just go onto CD1 and race and you will see what i mean, its manic, or even better try CD3 today

Got to do something, its driving me mad,
But please add an info to the connection message
Just tried CD3, wow, what a nightmare, I see what you mean
Quote from GeForz :But please add an info to the connection message

Not sure what you mean?
I mean just add some info which says "you can only drive if you have a pb better than 1:40" when connectiong to CD2
theres a problem with people who can't drive the cars but from what ive seen theres also a problem with high ping players, 3 or 4 players with 200+ ping will wreck the whole field before t1.
Quote from GeForz :I mean just add some info which says "you can only drive if you have a pb better than 1:40" when connectiong to CD2

That statement isn't relevant either...?

I mean it just sucks when you connect to a server, load 30 high res skins to find out that you are not allowed to drive...
Because PB isn't used as a qualifier to state whether or not you are "allowed" to play on the server?
Birder would exclude himself if he went with <1:40 (or <1:41 with Patch X)
The rules for entry are simple:

1) Obey the rules
2) Drive fair and safe ( dont have to be fast )
3) Dont moan or swear

oh and

4) Dont beat birder................

By the way rob 1:40.92 so up yours team mate

How do you ban an admin......

As to downloading 30 skins i think thats fair as you may well want to spectate. Remember CD1 is our public server, CD2 will become our Pro-Race server so its upto you if you come on or not.

Help with Patch X Mayhem
(27 posts, started )