The online racing simulator
Banned for NO REASON!
Some Dumb people banned be saying I crashed, I NEVER had time to say I never do it because I want to!
10th of june 2007-8:41 GMT-whoever voted to ban me, GET A LIFE!
#2 - Jakg
Shouldn't you read this first?

And why is it in this subsection?
Quote from Jakg :Shouldn't you read this first?

And why is it in this subsection?

(I got banned from THIS SERVER so thats why its here!)
#4 - Jakg
When? your LFS stats say you were last on the Bug Test server yesterda, and afaik this league doesn't have a 24/7 public server
#5 - Cawwa
Maybe a misunderstanding here.
The LFS LeMans League is an old server that Jayhawk, the origin starter of this league runs. I don't know why he haven't change the name on it, it still run the combe we had in Race 3 I think. We have nothing to do with this server. Try to contact Jayhawk and see why you got banned and/or just use the link Jakq gave you.

#6 - herki
Quote from Cawwa :Maybe a misunderstanding here.
The LFS LeMans League is an old server that Jayhawk, the origin starter of this league runs. I don't know why he haven't change the name on it, it still run the combe we had in Race 3 I think. We have nothing to do with this server. Try to contact Jayhawk and see why you got banned and/or just use the link Jakq gave you.

It's a g - is that that hard to read
Quote from WakkyDude :Some Dumb people banned be saying I crashed, I NEVER had time to say I never do it because I want to!
10th of june 2007-8:41 GMT-whoever voted to ban me, GET A LIFE!

Well, did you save a replay? Otherwise, I cant help you. Plus, unless I ban you personally, the ban is effective for 12 hours. Maybe 24.

So, dont sweat it.
This thread is closed