Poll : Should LFS Be Put On CD In Shops?

Dont Have A Clue/Another Reason* Please Post!
To better explain my self.... we are a niche group, and we are growing up, right?

let us hit a certain size and the big guys (the ones with the millions) will hit the scene really hard. Like always happens.

5 years down the road I find more likely this scenario to happen than to have a competitive final S3.
Thats why i think Scavier should capitalize now. Although i think online distribution is the way to go (steam just broke 13million active users)
I hope LFS just keeps on Evolving and the day when the line is drawn under LFS never comes, infact just call it LFS Evolution - the sim that evolves with technology
Quote from spyshagg :To better explain my self.... we are a niche group, and we are growing up, right?

let us hit a certain size and the big guys (the ones with the millions) will hit the scene really hard. Like always happens.

5 years down the road I find more likely this scenario to happen than to have a competitive final S3.
Thats why i think Scavier should capitalize now. Although i think online distribution is the way to go (steam just broke 13million active users)

The big guys are already here, check out iracing.
It doesn't mean they can produce a better sim though.

lfs primary focus is online racing and given its small dowload size and the high cost of producing a box and shipping it to stores. Its just no viable.

Evan 56k'ers can handle the lfs download.
#29 - joen
Think about some people's already (unjustifiable) complaining about LFS' pricing. Releasing LFS through retail channels will without a doubt add quite a lot to the pricing. You need to have the CD's pressed, print booklets, package it, distribute it, hand over a percentage to the stores and distributors, and all this for a game that appeals only to a (relatively) small segment of the market. The ones that would be interested in LFS may be put off by the pricing they see in shops and because of that maybe don't even find out you can buy it online for a lower price.
#30 - pigi
LOL ofcourse no!!!!
ITs not finished.. ITs more long time to wait when game finaly will be ready..
SO have good time right now in S2. And wait S3 and I think more and more.
I have the feeling that a game like LFS would not fair well in shops. By the time that S3 Final is completed, PC games will not be sold, for the most part, in stores anyway (just my opinion).

On the other hand, i would love to have a box set once the final release came out

GT is a great franchise. But it just doesn't have the feeling that LFS has <flame inducing moment> or Forza, or PGR </flame inducing moment>
no, it should not be retailed. The current online purchasing setup is fine the way it is. Dont want the game to have licence keys floating around the place.

If people cant order the game online, then they can stick to the demo cause they are either too young (to even afford the game in the first place, let alone access to a credit card or something) or too scared of being online. So many people are ordering things off the internet these days, so its not like the game is seriously reducing its potential subscription base by not retailing.

The people that play this game already know about PC race sims. So to attract more people, maybe some good old fashioned name dropping at other car enthusiast forums.

The manual is already online, the game is available free to download online,... so why charge people for things that are already easily available?

By not retailing, then we will keep the Need for Speed players out, cause they dont use their brakes at turn 1.
I think the devs have already said something about the reasons why LFS is not released on cd. I think it mainly comes down to distribution costs. Cost to develop and get cds and packaging, plus the retailers cut = less money for the devs to use to develop. I think anyone that is serious about car games / race sims will have heard about LFS already via word of mouth. Its clear there current distribution is working quite nicely.
In germany LFS is actually available as a CD.

http://www.4players.de/renders ... AYOUT=index&world=lfs

Altough only on the site, not in shops.

The only place i remember to find LFS in a shop, was at the final
of the Racing.Challenge in a Media Markt or something back there in 2005.
And even then, it was for free (only demo of course)
its on cd in japan i think
Quote :its on cd in japan i think

With the name: "Hot import LFS nights"?
well, for sure in case of any boxed version is out, it won't be the same LFS around so far... maybe not in the beginning but later the big boss will ask for more fashion, as they only care about the income tables... and this is biz-world, so will force developer team to get larger, that will make more people putting nose on what the creators have dreamed so far... remember, it is their imagination what came out and what we have in hands now... their point of view, and seems so far, they don't want to change this thing... new souls will put new 'suggestions' to make this 'boring lapping tool' (we call LFS, greatest simulation) more exciting game... and it will be leading to a new kindda NFS without any goals... so this is what i am afraid of, to lose what we have in hands already. i mean the way LFS still following is what we enjoy, what makes it different from others... so thanx to devs + contributing users for the process... what i belive is what makes LFS special is the amateur soul it still has, in developing and in the path it leads to...
Quote from eL_KeCks :With the name: "Hot import LFS nights"?

Tokyo Xtreme LFS'er

I'd hate to see LFS in bargin bins. But I'd love some pack with posters and other goodies, maybe availible to S2 licensed folks
Quote from kaulgt. :Well considering 'Import' cars mean Asian cars Imported into western countries, so why would LFS have that name in Japan?

That's a litte short-tought don't you think???
Import is what is brought to a country/region from abroad
So for you that means Japan...
For USA it means for example EU or Asia,
for EU it means USA and so on..
Why on earth would you want to put an UNFINISHED racing simulation program on CD and sell it to the mass market? Thankfully the Scavier team does have enough wisdom, intellect and common sense NOT to sell half done jobs for the sake of some VERY artificial release dates. Even when it's a well working, relatively reliable and remarkably stable piece of software.