The online racing simulator
Remove "skin not found"-messages
If a user doesn't want to use the automatic skin download, he will get an error message for every single skin when he enters a server, that's quite annoying. So my suggestion is to remove the skin not found messages. There is no use for them because you can already see that there is no skins if a car is white.
#2 - Renku
This actually a bug. If I turn automatic skin downloading off, then I DON'T want to see the skins and I am very aware of the situation. That error message should be in a case I have automatic skin downloading ON and for whatever reason LFS can't download the skins. And this error message is present also every time player enters the track (from pits or spectating). With 47/32 racers there's too much chatter anyway so a big yes to remove some of it.
I concur, I have turned off skin downloads here on my laptop just.. because I need to, and that message comes up so much and I just really hope it will disappear when you have autodownloads turned off.

I have auto-download turned on and I still get that message sometimes, but that's probably because those drivers didn't upload their skins to lfsworld. In those cases I don't mind seeing the message.