The online racing simulator
I had few races against him in the old patch (almost over 1.5 years ago) and one race in particular was quite memorable. GTRs at Aston historic. He was driving FZR and I was in XRR. His racing was 100% clean and fair and he knew exactly how to hold me back. I was about a secs faster but it was really hard to follow closely other cars with the physics at that time (loss of downforce too great).

From what I remember he was just another good racer with good racecraft skills. Maybe I could dig up the replay
Just another person here like any of us... all with different beliefs. Doesn't make him any better of racecar driver either. So what. Anyone can be fast if they put some time & effort into learning.

Meanwhile, I'll just read Jakg's boasting... poor guy.
#28 - Jakg
Quote from Tweaker :Meanwhile, I'll just read Jakg's boasting... poor guy.

its not boasting, im quicker than some people, but compared to people like yourself etc im distinctly average
There's an STCC religion too....

Everyone is "quicker than some people"
Read what it actually says. It says "one of the best world players" not "one of the world's best players". Now think of what "world music" sounds like
Dajmin, that's true. Though, in the Swedish translation it says that he's one of the world's best players.

Hmm, which is it?
I have exclusive footage of Mr Rael racing on Fern Bay Gold. I have talked to him, and he said that he was indeed a religious leader.
Attached files
Religious leader Rael.mpr - 134.1 KB - 128 views
#34 - SamH
I raced quite a bit with him at one point, on the STCC servers. I have nothing bad to say about him (and I wouldn't if I did, actually). In fact, I found him to be a pretty darn good LFSer.. pleasant to race, difficult to pass (more often than not impossible to pass, in fact), never swore, never had a go at anyone, never parked on the track.. what I would call one of LFS's good guys.

Rael didn't bring his religion into the LFS servers while I was there, except via his playername. I guess that was there for you to follow up if you were curious.. he never did anything while I was there, except play hard and play fairly
I was kidnapped twice by the LFS devs and they told me what they originally planned for this simulation, and how we had got it all wrong. On the second abduction they took me back to their home race circuit, South City, where I saw Scawen driving a Fox.

I did not race well at all, and was humbled by the the all-intelligent developers, but whilst there they explained to me how previous messages on the forum had been misinterpreted.

Rather than appear infront of you all to explain this, they charged me to be their messenger. They explained how Jesus, Mohammed, Budha and the other guy had all got it wrong in the past. Rome wasn't built in a day, they explained, and watching Lions eat Christians was actually pretty good entertainment.

They had no need of LFS Credits, and said that I should use it all to forward the message of the developers on. As the creators of
the world it did not occur to them to just add a few zeroes onto the end of my credits score, but they did say I could take credits from you guys and use that to promote the true message of the creators.

Oh, and apparently I can have woohoo with whoever I like.

Great stuff, I could really get into this Raelian preaching
#36 - J.B.
I for one welcome our new alien befriending overlord. :up:
Well that is unexpecting. One of the world's best players? Bit exaggerant don't you think?
Y'know, I've just been reading his website and I have to say I'm quite jealous of him! He's been a pop star, a racing driver, and now he's got his own cult.

I'd be happy with just the cult.
#39 - Jakg
Quote from thisnameistaken :I'd be happy with just the cult.

Well, replace a letter and your close!
Quote from Jakg :Well, re-arrange a few letters and your close!

i dont get it
#41 - Jakg

What could you replace the "l" with?
Ah, so when you said "rearrange a few letters" you meant "replace one letter". Now it makes sense.

I can be rather curt sometimes.
What on earth is a cutl?
He seems to be a very good racer (constant 3rd in FOX at BL1) also- doesn't take much to lap me though
Quote from TiJay :He seems to be a very good racer (constant 3rd in FOX at BL1) also- doesn't take much to lap me though

He has been known to race dirty unfortunately, some of his reputation deems on that.
Why does his site have a Star of David on it for?
I guess David isnt using it or something.
#48 - SamH
Quote from BigDave2967 :He has been known to race dirty unfortunately, some of his reputation deems on that.

Wow, that's total news to me. I had no idea he had a bad reputation at all.
Quote from Breizh :He wants to spread his cult.

Christ on a bike, I read that wrong...........

Back on topic, I remember racing the fella on STCC servers a while back, best in the world?, not by a LOOOOONNNNNGGGGG chalk