The online racing simulator
Kegetys' Ghost Car v1.0 for S2
(191 posts, closed, started )
Just something to think about

I don't want to cut down Kegetys work on that but tbh i don't understand the hype about this application.

Everyone is talking about that LFS is the one and only, the first real realistic sim etc. and now it looks like you guys are "freaking out" about something that is part of most of the typical arcade games. A ghost car is imo more then unrealistic and should not be part of a sim .

I don't say don't use it (everyone can do what he wants) but I never used it and I'll never use it.
very forza loosk ace
Quote from BBO@BSR :Just something to think about
I don't say don't use it (everyone can do what he wants) but I never used it and I'll never use it.

for me it's an aid to learn from my own racing. true it's not "real" but hey, it's a computergame! I like this tool, it works very well and I think without the ghostcar you have a nice application with just the path and times.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from BBO@BSR :Just something to think about

I don't want to cut down Kegetys work on that but tbh i don't understand the hype about this application.

Everyone is talking about that LFS is the one and only, the first real realistic sim etc. and now it looks like you guys are "freaking out" about something that is part of most of the typical arcade games. A ghost car is imo more then unrealistic and should not be part of a sim .

I don't say don't use it (everyone can do what he wants) but I never used it and I'll never use it.

lol, sorry, but if someone really claims that LFS is the first real realistic sim, he has some serious mental problems!
A hud with a minimap, a between tire view, starts only after green light, a reset key, analogue displays on a digital readout etc.
There are many more things in LFS that are far away from realism. Some are
still in development and maybe will be fixed in a patch/S3, some are gameplay decision that there are for a reason (shift+s e.g.)

The ghostcar is a practice instrument for singleplayer and it's as unrealistic as the current hotlap mode where you can start your hotlap over and over again,even after a fatal crash!
Don't listen to him, this app is VERY useful and it'll help people to race better.

I've been using PitSpotter for some time and now everyone tells me I'm the most clean racer in the community so Thank You for all this programs that make LFS MUCH more enjoyable.

Keep it up

(sorry for my bad english)
IMO everyone should learn the hard way.
Yeah, following the car ahead of you online, like a rabbid dog after a fleeing rabbit makes it hard to find the right lines huh
Hi Kegetys,

thx a lot for this cool add-on. It works great. :-)
BTW, is it possible to save replay laps as ghost laps?

Looks Nice and intreged. IS this the same hotlap over and over again, or is it like the AI, and learns on each run?

Just asking
ghost files are stored!
and of course this is always the same lap...
why should a ghost learn?
Am I missing the point here? what help is it to see a ghost car doing the same crap driving I do? I need the ghost car to do the hot laps I download from good drivers so I can see where they brake, turn etc.
In a more friendly manner If you are quicker than the ghost car, whats the point of looking at it in your rear view mirror.

Although I agree, an excellent tool, for the new people to LFS, but maybe not for us that have been here for sometime?

Although I still agree, there is a hole here. Although you can analyze your replay's with Replay Analyzer, looking at it with a Ghost Car would be a better option, so there, being able to use Hotlaps would be absolutly great, if possible
Within a very short period I found the ghost car really useful to show up your own errors each lap, improving on the line you take and braking poihts, allowing you to shave a couple of tenths off each lap till you get up to a good speed. It is instantly apparent where you can improve on a line, cut a corner a bit deeper or brake earlier/later.

As a separate issue, the ability to d/load a really quick alien hotlap from someone else and have the ghost car follow that would also be a good learning tool.
Quote from Fordman :In a more friendly manner If you are quicker than the ghost car, whats the point of looking at it in your rear view mirror.

i think you are still missing the point!

if you are quicker than the ghost car, that quicker lap will become the new ghost. As long as you are seeing it in the rear view mirror, you are driving a new PB.
Impressive tool for me! Thankyou very much
Quote from inCogNito :i think you are still missing the point!

if you are quicker than the ghost car, that quicker lap will become the new ghost. As long as you are seeing it in the rear view mirror, you are driving a new PB.

HA HA So it does what it says on the tin ( English Joke )

Thanks Incognito
Thanks for that work
Quote from BBO@BSR :Just something to think about

I don't want to cut down Kegetys work on that but tbh i don't understand the hype about this application.

Everyone is talking about that LFS is the one and only, the first real realistic sim etc. and now it looks like you guys are "freaking out" about something that is part of most of the typical arcade games. A ghost car is imo more then unrealistic and should not be part of a sim .

I don't say don't use it (everyone can do what he wants) but I never used it and I'll never use it.

When you end up in a gravel trap you must spend an awful lot of time waiting for the tow-truck!

Kegetys - nice work. Thanks.
I always wonder at some GPL nerds blaming LFS in "arcadishness".

If there were no ghost car, anyone would need to spend more time guessing which path is better, especially at rallyX tracks, where you can go in a plenty of paths. I would need to ask somebody fast to drive ahead of me to show me the path, watch hotlaps replays (can you watch a replay the same way IRL?!! Then GPL/whateverothersim is arcade too!). This tool just saves my and someone's else time. It is absolutely not about the arcadish "press the key exactly at this point for the best result" driving style. You still need to learn to drive in a normal 'simulatory' way just with a tip (send the car 400 ms ahead and it will be almost like your friend driving ahead of you).

It is like the Orthodox Church: all that is invented by the devil is the evil and must be fought, and those, who like it or admit it, are not true believers.
Quote from Veiti :
BTW, is it possible to save replay laps as ghost laps?

Read the rest of the thread, you cant atm
Wow, awesome work!

FYI: seems to work just fine on win xp x64

here's a little "bug", though i guess it comes from within LFS itself.
Attached images
Quote from Vendetta :Read the rest of the thread, you cant atm

I have read the thread, but I was hoping someone could have found a workaround.
OK, I have this program working now. After driving a lap in single player mode I get the messages "Failed to create ghost file" and "failed to load ghost car file".

Any ideas?
(Shotglass) DELETED by Shotglass
Cool addon, fantastic - I immediately started improving my lap records
Quote from felplacerad :Wow, awesome work!

FYI: seems to work just fine on win xp x64

here's a little "bug", though i guess it comes from within LFS itself.

Noticed that too. Only very minor though.
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Kegetys' Ghost Car v1.0 for S2
(191 posts, closed, started )