MecaniK S2 - v0.5P
(494 posts, closed, started )
Quote from BrandoonWa :Does anyone have a link to the older versions of the Slickmod? It would help to have those R1 slicks =)

Great Mod, I've always enjoyed this and LFSTweak. Works great once you get the old abc in there. Older versions are there too.
Wow, I amaze myself sometimes. thanks =)
Ok, i didn'T read everything but in short:

- Yes, i intend to update MecaniK to work with current official patches, i
won't update for test patches though. I didn't notice yet, but i'm assuming
there's a 0.5Q out It'll give me a chance to fix stuff too.

I'm sorry if i didn't update or give any news, but i got a reality shock
this weekend after taking my body for a industrial chemical absorbtion
factory... i ended up in the emergency I'm ok, electrocardiograms,
lung x-rays and blood samples say so...but i still feel sore in the chest.
Let's say i got the scare of my life! I thought about you Crumbut
Note to everyone, don't go without sleep, eating and then combine
'speed' pills with 'energy' drinks....ya i know, it was stupid. Sure kept
me awake though illepall

On a happier note, 18000+ downloads of MecaniK P02 !!! That 1$ per
download is getting more and more interesting

As for the preset errors, make sure you add/remove the comment line else
that error will pop up. Also, it might also pop-up for that decimal bug.
At least an error DID pop-up I'm getting there, slowly but surely.
I havent had time to read it all but judging by the title its got all the bugs out no?
Quote from McAzerty :And why doesn't it work online?

It does, re-read the first post.
No luck at changing the car, could someone please post all the relevant exe so we can try them without downloading LFS again?
Quote from Bob Smith :It does, re-read the first post.

just ignore him ... hes not worth any support
Quote from McAzerty :how you see they have same mod?

You can't, until you've attempted to connect.
Would be good if, when someone runs a server using a mekanik preset, they post the preset here and announce how long the server will be up.
Quote from sinbad :You can't, until you've attempted to connect.
Would be good if, when someone runs a server using a mekanik preset, they post the preset here and announce how long the server will be up.

Ya, that WOULD be good. I've made good progress with OutSim thanks
to the help of RayOk and BobSmith, i actually can connect now !!! This
brings me one step closer to being able to make LFSTweak/MecaniK/WhateverMOD
make the server mod the clients before they get checked making it possible
to join any modded server as long as the MOD is running. I tried
before using the caht and it kinda worked, but you had to be able to
enter the server first...

I don't think i'll have a MecaniK for tomorrow, but it shouldn't be long.
I just hope that the recent patch will help fix all these problems caused
more by user misinformation than any actual problem with my app. The
test patches affected soemthing vital to MecaniK and was the source and
many problems. Now that we'll all have the same version, it should be
more stable, i hope. I also need to add some little code here and there
Is the new version going to read engine power, rev limit.. etc. correctly?
Quote from shoman24v :Is the new version going to read engine power, rev limit.. etc. correctly?

If I understand you correctly, you want to input power and rev limit values directly. As has been explained in the past, this is not possible. What you are changing with this program are constants of rather complicated formulas, and without knowing those formulas, it is impossible to implement a conversion that would enable the user to input values directly.
Quote from Forbin :If I understand you correctly, you want to input power and rev limit values directly. As has been explained in the past, this is not possible. What you are changing with this program are constants of rather complicated formulas, and without knowing those formulas, it is impossible to implement a conversion that would enable the user to input values directly.

Yeah, that's what I was wondering, sorry I botched it up so badly

Well that's fine. The application makes a world of difference when playing your favorite car
I am getting the same error as Hyperactive

And when I switch cars in-game, the format of files does not change when I go to load up a tweak for a new car. Then I have to use the wrong tweak for the wrong car.

I have also found that everything works ok with the fxo gtr and I have changed all the , into . in the files.

Any help please

Lastest MecaniK with 0.5P

but cant..
Lower the weight, you can lower it into the negative range.
Make the tires stick one way or another. You can use gear ratios, tire pressure, suspension settings...
Just don't make it FWD ..
meh... i've never been the big suspension mechanic.. so just a basic wheelie set would be greatly appriciated..
Quote from TaiFong :Uhhh, why is no one going nuts over this!? Amazing! Thank you.

What is it???????????
Its a small app that runs along your LFS S2 Instance..

It modifies different variables that affect how the cars behave in LFS. ie. we can create a 8 cylinder 8,3L UF1000.. Now thats fun!!
Quote from Fonnybone : (...) I also need to add some little code here and there

For those interested, by that i meant that i'll be adding code to prevent
recording of hotlaps and some other details. Recent events have made
some people unconfortable with this app and i'll be adding some code to
prevent anyone from having any arguments to dirty MecaniK's reputation
and MINE along the way. Believe me, i'll stop this dead in it's tracks !

To those intend on using MecaniK to upload hotlaps, be warned that you
risk being punished if you actually go through with it. The lap will be invalid,
but it will stay in the charts until it is checked. When it is though, you'll
be given a big fat boot to the bums. I wouldn't risk it if i were you
Quote from ATHome :By the way: Some of you might have the missing dll already in their windows\system32 folder, its just not registered...

To do so:


and then type in (or copy from my reply)

regsvr32 %systemroot%\System32\MSSTDFMT.dll

I downloaded the dll and put in the the system32 folder and tried that line your wrote...

still doesnt work... same error...

and trying the regsvr32 doesn't work even if the file is there... any suggestions?
Well actually i had the wrong drive letter in...


anyways i fixed it, and the MSSTDFMT.dll file loaded correctly...

it comes up now but i ahve a car selected and it says i don't
Alpha .5P5 what im suppose to run?
Ya, you might wanna wait for the next update then. If P02 isn't
working for you, there's not much i can do for now.

Just a few questions to help me fix these issues.

1- Are you using another language than english ?
2- Are you using version 0.5P of LFS ?
3- Did you install any patches ?
4- Did you try changing cars to see if it works then ?

Edit: Ok, you posted at the same time, so there you have it, i mentionned this
many times, but i'll say it again, it's ONLY for 0.5P, it doens't work on any
test patches, i don't update for those, only for official patches.
The next update will be for 0.5Q.
any idea when you will update for the new patch? i get the no car selected problem. currently running the latest official patch so i presume thats the problem?
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MecaniK S2 - v0.5P
(494 posts, closed, started )