The online racing simulator
Telemetry in a laptop
(123 posts, started )
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#52 - Jakg
release! release!

Patch X compatibility too, me like!
it's looking great.
Decide to arrange the information on more windows.
Which Info´s should be shown .... ??

When i found someone for the graphics it will be released
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#55 - Gaas
in what did u code that,great thing cant wait till u release it

if u need help dont be shy to ask...lots of us here would like to help and see this released ASAP
Quote from riskredruM :Decide to arrange the information on more windows.
Which Info´s should be shown .... ??

When i found someone for the graphics it will be released

You should show infos like the ones of this program:

This is a telemetry program, so a "telemetry in a laptop" should do similar things (showing trajectories, fuel level, tyre temps, tyre wear, suspension frequencies) but should run on a remote client.
And should be able to change strategies of the connected player that is currently racing from the remote client too.
showing trajectories What is that ?? (sorry my english is not as good)
fuel level posible...but only for your own car. Or the car that is sending the data.
tyre temps not with Insim/Outsim/Outgauge
tyre wear ok
suspension frequencies not with Insim/Outsim/Outgauge

Driving line would be posible.
Or sending a command to the driver. But I think normaly you are connected with teamspeak or something else.
Quote from riskredruM :showing trajectories What is that ?? (sorry my english is not as good)
fuel level posible...but only for your own car. Or the car that is sending the data.
tyre temps not with Insim/Outsim/Outgauge
tyre wear ok
suspension frequencies not with Insim/Outsim/Outgauge

Driving line would be posible.
Or sending a command to the driver. But I think normaly you are connected with teamspeak or something else.

Showing trajectories = driving lines
In realtime, for each lap (for example u can choose to visualize the driving line on lap 27), and between 2 laps in the same graph (for example lap 22 and lap 35).

About tyre temps and wear, maybe these can be extracted from local memory and sent to the "telemetry client" separately, not using insim or outgauge, but with a tcp or udp connection between these 2 pc.

(i am imagining a situation where a driver is racing and one of his teammates, that is located into another city, can watch his telemetry in realtime)
The Telemetry live over a laptop in front of me *dreaming*
It would be really nice if something like this really will be released

MfG Reese
yeah that would be great
#61 - Jakg
It is released, but Patch X broke it so he's doing it again.

/me waits patiently
Any news on an update for patch X?
Well it´s growing.
But the more feature i add the more bugs apears.

Here´s a shot of the actual Version.

Maybe i need some help.
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Quote from riskredruM :Well it´s growing.
But the more feature i add the more bugs apears.

Here´s a shot of the actual Version.

Maybe i need some help.


Have u thought about merging all these windows into only one?

P.S: about bugs you can release it as test version and waiting for people reporting bugs
I actually only needed the info you had in your first version, although i can understand why ppl would want more. Any chance of having 2 versions? A light version for those wanting minimum info and a more complete version for the others?

Thanks and keep up the good work.
great look very nice.

one question: do u use a local outgage connection to lfs (i think only with that u can get information about fuel and so on) ? in the moment it is neccessary that the tool runs on the same machine, or am i wrong ? do u plan the possibility to connect to your tool from another destination, so some other guy gets the same infos from your local lfs like yourself ???
Ok, if you want to help me, please test if this tool is running on your mashines.

Start LFS. In Chat type in /insim 29999

start a race or replay or connect to server.

Start the tool Fill in IP of the mashine LFS is running in local Network or Internet and press connect.

This is meant to run on an other PC than LFS cause it uses Full Screen DX.

In Track Window you can zoom with mousewheel and move with a,d,s,w.

In DX Window please check the values.

Thanks to all Pre-Alpha testers
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Firstly i am very happy that such a app is beeing made. Now i have tried it, took me a while to get the correct ip of my local machine LOL, but then this program crashed everytime. I did like it says
-start LFS /insim 29999
-then the program

but when i pressed connect button it crashed. If i left the IP slot as it was ( it didnt want to connect and said it so nicely.

But program looks sweet
I forgot to say that
Framework 2.0
DirectX 9
have to be installed.
On local PC the program connects but when I select Track, I got this message:
Could not find a part of the path 'G:\TCP Konsole\Karten\smx\BL1.pth'
I have a little problem with the program too

It connects succesful to my host, but when I press the tack button the program crashes.
The Fullscreen DX works fine just for a few secs. After that the display become laggy, HDD starts to work hard and the CPU usage jump to 100%

I have .Net Framework 2.0 and DX9 installed.

Ps: Sorry for my bad english
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crash.jpg Version ....

Now with all Files needed

With a screenshot.
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Attached files .zip - 1 MB - 341 views
Is this DX9 interface necessary?

I like to see, the windowed version, like in the screenshot.
Those windows are easy to customize. I can change its size, make a layout, as I want.

This new verison is suffers from CPU issues for me, but works fine
Nope, cant even get it to connect. I realy miss the first version
does it need to be in the lfs folder

Telemetry in a laptop
(123 posts, started )