The online racing simulator
Apple Safari browser, now for windows
(61 posts, started )
#51 - wien
Quote from Lautsprecher[NOR] :Any unpatched PC running Windows is but-raped within seconds of being connected directly to a modem.

Fixed that for you.
Quote from wien :Fixed that for you.

still not quite correct ... my xp is on the patch state of oct 06 ... still running fine
#53 - wien
Quote from Shotglass :still not quite correct ... my xp is on the patch state of oct 06 ... still running fine

Well I've had a fresh copy of XP SP1 go down with the sniffles (Blaster and friends) before I was even able to run Windows Update to patch it up. If you haven't, good for you.
Quote from wien :Well I've had a fresh copy of XP SP1 go down with the sniffles (Blaster and friends) before I was even able to run Windows Update to patch it up. If you haven't, good for you.

well yes theres that one hotfix in sp2 youll need to keep you safe but other than that xp is just fine
i also had a copy with sp1 running at least a year after sp2 was released with 0 problems (only had to install the blaster fix other than that it was plain old sp1)
Quote from Lautsprecher[NOR] :It's a miracle you're even able to write that. Any PC running Windows is but-raped within seconds of being connected directly to a modem.

My PCs never been attacked and doesn't run any AV software
Is it a Mac?

Well, I'm using Safari on my Mac, under Vista now, and it seems to be a bit better then on Longhorn on my other PC, and in OSX. It's better than I thought it ming be.
#57 - axus
Can you not install some Developer extention, which removes extention checking?
#60 - Jakg
Theres a little hack you can use to do that Dustin, if you want i'll try to dig it up....

EDIT - "and using the install.rdf hack (just change the max version from whatever it is to "3.0a1") and it works fine!" - save the extension, open it with WinRAR, edit the install.rdf, then drag the extension into the "Add-Ons" window
Or just use Nightly Tester Tools and disable compatibility-checking all together.

Apple Safari browser, now for windows
(61 posts, started )