Driver classes
(11 posts, started )
#1 - Gizz
Driver classes
not sure if this has been mentioned in some form or another but i feel if something was to be implimented it would send the LFS experience through the roof,

way to many times we get the shall we say "less experienced" drivers on servers causing way to many pileups resulting in many a restart and unhappy racers...

so what if the LFS driver database AUTOMATICLY put you in a given class going off your average laptimes? now obviously to do this 100% you would need to be classed for every combo so i duno if that would be asking a lot but at least class all drivers to each car?

then give the servers the option to use this new class function or not (NOT would make it a open server like we have now were anyone can join)

becasue from what ive seen of the meandathol wreakers/dont give a damn drivers is that they very rarely finish a race never mind get a lap time any lower that "3weeks.2days.4hours"

this ofcorse would not be punishing the new drivers still LEARNING because they are LEARNING and will get fast, while the morons will never learn becasue there..... well morons, so most of these pin brains will be stuck at the bottom 3rd of the classes so the rest can enjoy better racing...

we may even convert a few morons into leaning to up there average times and hey they may even enjoy RACING once they have learned what the break pedle does...

last thing would be that we should then have closer racing, hence you would be racing with drivers running times some where close to your own giving closer racing...

the server could choose to use this feature or not if they do they also choose the class of driver the server will except, and if the devs put up a stats page on the server demand for a given class admins could target the class better...

just a quick thought
#2 - Gunn
-1 from me. Plenty of fast drivers who truly suck at racing. Quite a few slower drivers out there who are a joy to race with.
I'm not the fastest on the track, but I routinely get comments on how much fun I am to race with by faster drivers. I will always remember the battles I've had with KSheppard and MRodgers. Great guys, they are. Both of them a fair bit quicker than me most of the time.

[EDIT] Oh yea, that meant -1, BTW.
just a question, what if a driver is fast in his average lap times but still a crasher when having people around?

fast laptimes does not mean good drivers, that only means good hotlapers
#5 - Woz
-1, there are many many dickheads that are fast. They are the ones that think racing is hotlapping and just drive flat out all the time. They then come up on a slower person and expect them to be as fast through a corner. End result they wreck you. They then shout at you because its YOUR fault they rear ended you

I am much more for the chess style rating system. Everyone starts with a the same rating. After the race you rating is adjusted. If you beat a person that has a higher rating than you your rating goes up and if you lose to a slower person your rating goes down. There are a few other subtle ways rating can change. A DNF means you got beaten by everyone so your rating takes a big hit. The same calculation is performed on your rating against everyone in the race.

The end result is a bell curve of values where the cream are at the top, the noobs/wreckers are at the bottom and everyone else is in the middle.

In this sort of rating the fast but dickhead drivers end at the bottom because they alway cause a wreck and hence never finish.
Quote from Woz :-1, there are many many dickheads that are fast. They are the ones that think racing is hotlapping and just drive flat out all the time. They then come up on a slower person and expect them to be as fast through a corner. End result they wreck you. They then shout at you because its YOUR fault they rear ended you

I am much more for the chess style rating system. Everyone starts with a the same rating. After the race you rating is adjusted. If you beat a person that has a higher rating than you your rating goes up and if you lose to a slower person your rating goes down. There are a few other subtle ways rating can change. A DNF means you got beaten by everyone so your rating takes a big hit. The same calculation is performed on your rating against everyone in the race.

The end result is a bell curve of values where the cream are at the top, the noobs/wreckers are at the bottom and everyone else is in the middle.

In this sort of rating the fast but dickhead drivers end at the bottom because they alway cause a wreck and hence never finish.

where are disconnected people? or people that get crashed out? they will lose against all others but can't be held responsible for it, can't they. its like taking away half of your chess figures just because the other player falls over an hits the chess-board....
Can't happen, wont happen, it has been discussed to death before as to why it wont work, and those points have already been posted.
LFS userbase is not large enough to start dividing it into classes.
The only way this would ever work is if the game server was as smart as a human, that way when racing if someone crashes you the server could see whos fault it was and penalize them. It would also have to be only online play. So there can't be any morons who are good hotlappers, cause they will just crash and get penalized.
BTW: having a server as smart as a human would take WAY to much time to program.
Quote from Matt0snap : if someone crashes you the server could see whos fault it was and penalize them.

If I were to show you a crash, do you think you could decide who's fault it was?
On the streets you're supposed to defend yourself, even during a T-bone crash you can't really decide who's fault it was unless one of them ran a red light or a stop sign, but look at it this way, if one of the cars weren't there the crash wouldn't have happened.

It is impossible in over 75% of the crashes that occur when both cars are moving who's fault it was.
MOVE!!! BLUE FLAG!!! CLASS X RACER!!!111oneone

That's what will happen if there are different "classes."

Driver classes
(11 posts, started )