The online racing simulator
LFS popularity in each country
(41 posts, started )
LFS popularity in each country
i made a graph that represents how many people from each country have licensed LFS, relatively to each country's population...

numbers mean percentage of licensed racers divided by percentage of world's population...
sadly there are no exact numbers on lfsworld as how many licensed races there are, so no more meaningful numbers are available... but i think it still gives quite a good idea about popularity of lfs in the world... looks like LFS is big in scandinavia...
#2 - vari
Yep, we're bunch of rally/motorsport freaks

btw, If you do the same with rally/f1 championships the number will be equally ridiculous if not worse
It's a Scandinavian white-wash
Well the exact population figures are available for the world, as we have a rough idea of how many licenses have been sold (to within ~20%)

Edit: See spreadsheet
That means 1 in every ~5000 people in Finland have bought LFS. Quite an achievement!
Or 1 in every ~255,000 people worldwide :-)
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Any graph that shows Australia ahead of the UK is a good graph !
(HittiS) DELETED by HittiS
What I find really interesting is that there are no Korean LFS drivers, Korean is probably the biggest PC games market in the world, and they LOVE online games, infact an online mario kart game is very widely played over there, maybe LFS is too hardcore for them.
Just imagine the potential sales from LFS in Korean, the mind boggles at that one......

Quote from danowat :What I find really interesting is that there are no Korean LFS drivers, Korean is probably the biggest PC games market in the world, and they LOVE online games, infact an online mario kart game is very widely played over there, maybe LFS is too hardcore for them.
Just imagine the potential sales from LFS in Korean, the mind boggles at that one......


Perhaps this would come with a korean tranbslation
Then LFS had to be released by Blizzard
Yeah, and you'd need an item/upgrade/level system.

"Just this one more level-up."

"Ohhh, shiny item in the far.... it's... it's a magic tyreset with speed +1"

"Only.... fifteen... more... minutes........AAAAAAaaaaaarrrghhhhh" :tired:
arg, again we are beaten by zeh germans:banghead:
So what do these numbers represent? 47,71 % of the finnish population playing LFS?
Lol... We Finns are nerds....

(Is it nerd to play LFS?)
Where's Estonia?
Quote from Hyperactive :Where's Estonia?

amongst 0,05
Quote from Renku :amongst 0,05

I thought all you estonian people were LFS freaks
I thought there would be more than 975 licensees in Finland, actually.

I stopped "selling" licenses a year go, and I got up to £1404, which makes 117 x £12, so probably around a hundred separate people considering there weren't that many S2 licensees back then.

So I'm sorry if there are too many finns, you can blame me for around 10% of them
Quote from HittiS :Norwegian guleböj

WTF's Gulebøy? do you know something about my country that i don't?
*Runs away in shame*
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from Lautsprecher[NOR] :WTF's Gulebøy? do you know something about my country that i don't?
*Runs away in shame*

Vissa Svenskar tror på fullt allvar att banan heter guleböj på Norska. Andra vet hur det ligger till och använder ordet bara för att jäklas

Nothing so see here... Move along
5.47 for Portugal? lol thats weird illepall
Finnish LFS world domination.
well i think you aren't enough for that .

but lfs dominating finland is ok for me too .
Very nice and interessting work. Keep that chart updated. I'd love to see it every quarter.
Hmmm, something funky here.
There are about 300,000,000 people in the US. If you multiply that by ~3%, you get about 9,000,000 licenced LFS users. I think that is a tad off. I think your are trying to divide apples by oranges.
I look at it this way
(x/l)/(c/w)= (x/c)
where x is the number of licenced racers from a country
l is the total number of lfs licenses
c is the number of people in a country
w is the world population

x and l are unknown.
I think if you do the algebra, it comes out with something other than what you wanted.

I think you must have the total number of licenses to make this work.
How about using that number of 30,000 that showed up in one of the posts about the English LFS meeting?
Or, maybe I am just not understanding your method.
Something's screwy with that chart. I don't really think that almost have of the Finnish population has LFS either. I don't really get what that chart is trying to say.
Quote from Nitemare :numbers mean percentage of licensed racers divided by percentage of world's population

And here is your problem: You dont have licensed LFS racers in every country of the world. So the license pie is not comparable to the civilisation pie of the world. You would need to only count the populations of the countries involved for the worlds-pie, so you have the same amount of "pie-pieces" in the LFS-pie and the worlds pie with the same countries on it. But e.g. China: Is there any licensed LFS racer in china? So does it count into the LFS license pie? If not, your whole world pie would change by a huuuuge amount. got the point?

LFS popularity in each country
(41 posts, started )