Black-screen (shift-f4) in patch X, not in W41, reproducable
How to reproduce the bug:
- run LFS, starting in fullscreen.
- click on "Hot lapping", choose Westhil rev and FZR (I think it doesn't matter what car/track you choose).
- click "Ready"
- when on track, press shift-f4 to go to windowed mode.
- click on (pop up) any another window
- now, when another window is active (and LFS window is inactive), the force feedback disapears, I'm not sure, if it's bug or feature.
- click back to the LFS window.
- pres shift-f4
- now I have black-full-screen, I can not do anything, alt-tab, ctrl-alt-del, etc..., the only way out is hardware reset.

This bug does not appear in patch W41.

LFS version -- patch X, Windows 98SE, directx 9, Nvidia GF4Ti 4200, ForceWare 81.98 (the latest for my old card).

Yes, I'm expecting "buy a new computer" reply .
PC should be fine, a GF4Ti is plenty for LFS. Win98 though? :S
i am getting this error as well.
except it happens EVERY time i use shift+F4 to go full screen.
i can run in windowed mode fine...
I can't reproduce it.
#5 - Renku
I haven't experienced black-screen bug in patch X.

I said it, because usually after such a statement that exact thing happens . I'll let you know.
Ok, well was there a solution to this bug in patch W?
If so, i'll try that, otherwise i'll just run it windowed on my laptop.
kinda small though.
The behaviour, that I described, doesn't appear in W41. Maybe I could do a "regression test" for test patches between W41 and X.
I downgraded the graphics driver from ForceWare 81.98 to 61.76 and the problem disapeared (I'm still using patch X, not X2). So I think, that the bug is in the nvidia drivers, not in LFS.
This has nothing to do with Patch X because i had it as well in previous patches.