Ok, got it to work. In full screen mode there is lots of lag, the rpm and shift info is slow to follow. Also the track line keeps blinking on and off. My laptop has problems keeping up.
so the v5 is working with the patch X ,works great ,but it too slow and no way to customize (only discovered moving the map with W,A,S,D keys) but thats all.
nice tested it and working fine, just wanted to say that when u shift to reverse it says N and when u are in neutral it says 0..in case u didnt see that..
Ohhhh thank you so very much.... works like a dream. If you have ever the chance to tweak it, under the fuel remaining if you could add fuel consumtion per lap than it would be an added bonus .
Good work and
Got a team race tonight but i'll add a pic of how i'm set up soon.
really, really great work
works perfect for me!!!!!!! without any error !!!
just one question: i have a mpr and if i watch it with the tool connected i only got the position of the "in car" (the one i watch in replay), but there are no other cars in the track view ?
hmm when you watch the replay then you will see the others. When you are online ,plugged on "one" player you will only see the one player (thats the same ,as you can't see others fuel during race). correct mee if I'm wrong
Is posibiliti to add to this program some kind of *.ini or *.cfg (or some text) file with a small IP predefitions? Something like drop down menu in the progrram,so the user can change from the (predefined) IP address . exaple:
mhh ... i red myself and it really seems not to exist a package for this type of information, but in normal replays (and multiplayer games) you can see the tyre temps from other cars, so the info is provided in some other way ?