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Eating out, whats your fav food?
(55 posts, started )
#1 - CSU1
Eating out, whats your fav food?
Mine, chinese + Mexican food all the way....mmmmmm aromatic duck:homersimp


Italian(too much $$$ for pasta? )
Indian(always resembles the drunken post pub whip-up meal)
Chowder(rubber fishy carrots )
...and all the rest
McDonalds (Mmmm... burgers)
Pizza Hut (Mmmm... pizzas)
The local chippie (Mmm... chips)
Chinese Prawn Saté FTW

then mcdonalds
#4 - CSU1
.... I meant resturaunts
Quote from CSU1 :.... I meant resturaunts

There is a Pizza Hut resturaunt FYI
Well if we are classing Pizza Hut as a resturaunt then thats my fave but if it's not then probably chinese because i love sweet and sour sauce
My girlfriend.

& Subway is nice
#8 - CSU1
Yes...subway is veeeeeeeeeery nice....

#10 - CSU1
You better be talking about Subway my man.
#12 - JTbo
Pizza is great from some places, not so good from others, Kotipizza is terrible soup poured to pizza, never eat those, also ABC restaurant has terrible and very expensive pan pizzas.
One good place to get pizzas is Wallstreet in Seinäjoki, but be warned pizza costs something around 12 euros (Burgers did cost same and those were good too even bit small), but it is quite big and really good too. I travel a lot and I test pizza from different places where I visit, so maybe can find some cheaper place some day with as good pizzas

Burgers are best from Hesburger, McDonald's is not even near that good.

Of course to most of board readers those are not very informative as you don't have such companies there, except McDonald.

Then sometimes in real restaurant, I take chips and sausages from children's list to humiliate others, lol. No, I just like chips and sausages, it is not my fault that it is available only at children's list.
Huge, properly cooked and seasoned medium rare pepper steak with chips.
A nice big Sirloin or T-Bone steak. Cooked medium to medium-well with some sort of spices on it (not too much, just a we little bit).

Amazingly enough, Boston Pizza has a very good steak. Also, there's a little place in Pickering, Ontario that has good steak. I think it's called 'the Waterfront,' and it's located at the.. uh.. well, waterfront, on the East side of Frenchman's Bay. Very expensive high class little place, but damn they have good food.

Second to that, I like Chicken Wings. I usually order them with no sauce, and squirt some lemon juice over them from some lemons which I request, topped with some salt. I find that about 3-5 lemon wedges is usually good for one pound of wings ('bout 8 wings at most places). Gives them a nice flavour. Beats the hell out of Honey Garlic or Suicide Hot wings. I'll never understand people's obsessions with singeing away their tastebud's on rediculously spicy foods. Spice is meant to give some flavour, not destroy your ability to detect flavour.
sushi andddd italian food
#16 - CSU1
Quote from MAGGOT :A nice big Sirloin or T-Bone steak. Cooked medium to medium-well with some sort of spices on it (not too much, just a we little bit).

Amazingly enough, Boston Pizza has a very good steak. Also, there's a little place in Pickering, Ontario that has good steak. I think it's called 'the Waterfront,' and it's located at the.. uh.. well, waterfront, on the East side of Frenchman's Bay. Very expensive high class little place, but damn they have good food.

Second to that, I like Chicken Wings. I usually order them with no sauce, and squirt some lemon juice over them from some lemons which I request, topped with some salt. I find that about 3-5 lemon wedges is usually good for one pound of wings ('bout 8 wings at most places). Gives them a nice flavour. Beats the hell out of Honey Garlic or Suicide Hot wings. I'll never understand people's obsessions with singeing away their tastebud's on rediculously spicy foods. Spice is meant to give some flavour, not destroy your ability to detect flavour.

i never touch chicken thats got bones still in there...just always feel dissapointed for the amount of actual chicken you manage to get from salt n' peppa chicken is the only one for's georgeous with chillies and all gf drinks curry sauce straight dirty bitch yuck
South Indian cuisine (in India...not the crap we get in the UK that pretends to be Indian)
Quote from VTiRoj :
Pizza Hut (Mmmm... pizzas)

You need to come to America, specifically Chicago, to truly savor an excellent pizza! Did you know that Pizza Hut is part of the Pepsi trifecta of evil? It includes:

Taco Bell
Pizza Hut

Ever notice it always tastes good when you eat at one of the three, but about 4-6 hours later you have just awful, buttcheek clenching upset stomach and pains?

I double dare anyone here to eat at any of those food places for a week, and see how intimate you get with your toilet.
Whenever I eat out I tend towards seafood. My girlfriend can't stand fish so I can't cook it at home, so I have to eat it whenever I get the opportunity. Luckily we get plenty of fresh seafood from the coast here in York, and the local fishing towns are only an hour away.

My favourite meat by far is the humble crab (any variety - I've never eaten a bland-tasting crab). I also really like the clams you yanks get on your eastern coast. I used to enjoy all the steak fish but the idea of shipping them all that way bothers me now, so I don't order them.

Quote from MAGGOT :I'll never understand people's obsessions with singeing away their tastebud's on rediculously spicy foods.

Intensely hot foods get your endorphins going; they get you mashed, basically - that's why people who like hot food tend to really like hot food.

Edit: I can't believe I forgot kippers! A kipper is my favourite treat. Baked with a knob of butter on it, with fried tomatoes and a couple of rounds of toast. OMG...
Quote from VTiRoj :McDonalds (Mmmm... burgers)
Pizza Hut (Mmmm... pizzas)
The local chippie (Mmm... chips)

same as meself
Quote from jayhawk :You need to come to America, specifically Chicago, to truly savor an excellent pizza!

Bah! New York style pizza any day

Yes, I do like Pizza Hut. My kid's favorites are Pizza Hut and Arby's.

McDonald's.... Around 1995 or so, we were on our way home from a weekend of camping (almost every weekend, with nothing but large quantities of beer and 1 package of hot dogs. Remember my fire story? ) We stopped at McDonald's on the way home and I took 1 bite and bit into something hard as a rock. I'm sure just a chunk of bone or something, but I spit it out, threw the burger away, and have never eaten at McDonald's again. McDonald's is the most disgusting stuff I've ever eaten.

My actual favorite was I took a trip to South Dakota to visit a manufacturing plant that we were buying equipment from. I was inspecting the equipment with one of the salesmen. That night I ate a T-bone steak that was over 1.5 inch thick and hung over the 12 inch plate on 3 sides by a good amount (at least 2 inches in 3 spots). It was cattle territory and boy was that steak good! It was smothered in a Cajun barbeque sauce and mushrooms and onions. A fantastic steak.

Any time the wife and I go out, I get steak. We have a local steakhouse around here that has very good steak. If it's with the kids, then it's usually a chain fast food joint like Arby's, Wendy's, or Pizza Hut.

Steak steak steak! My father-in-law started raising beef cows. So now we get steaks all the time. T-bone, sirloin, rib eye, new york strip, delmonicos, all of them. Unfortunately, he gets them cut quite thin. They are hard to cook (medium to medium rare, but nice and crusty on the outside). But I can't complain. I'm eating steak now all the time and it doesn't cost me anything
Nearly anything Italian. I don't like fish much but smoked salmon is exception.
Quote from NotAnIllusion :Huge, properly cooked and seasoned medium rare pepper steak with chips.

Don't have to be HUGE but more red the better, I like my steak between medium and raw...mmmmmmmm
#24 - Jakg
Quote from The General Lee :My girlfriend.

& Subway is nice


Chippie is nice, Pizza Hut/Burger King are ok - not sure if they extend out in the UK, but the "Hungry Horse" f'ing rock. Ok, i'm gonna stop talking about food 'cause i'm really hungry :X
Quote from mrodgers :McDonald's.... Around 1995 or so, we were on our way home from a weekend of camping (almost every weekend, with nothing but large quantities of beer and 1 package of hot dogs. Remember my fire story? ) We stopped at McDonald's on the way home and I took 1 bite and bit into something hard as a rock. I'm sure just a chunk of bone or something, but I spit it out, threw the burger away, and have never eaten at McDonald's again. McDonald's is the most disgusting stuff I've ever eaten.

My friend works in McDonalds and he said that they have to clean out the McFlurry machine every 6 weeks due to maggots in there

Eating out, whats your fav food?
(55 posts, started )