Round 4 Checkup
Can all participating team leaders answer these questions:

1) Does your whole team know the rules of IGTC?
2) Do you have the IGTC password for this round? (Note the pasword and server have changed)
Yes and Yes.
LOTF #1, #19 have all read the rules and are good to go.


2times yes ,sir
#6 - casdk
Afri-cola racing car #10 and #20 have all read the rules and have servername and password.

Cya ingame.

Yes Den Blå Avis #1 has seen it..
I don't know what the password is. have read the rules though.
please remember there has been a server change and new password for this round
Old password for next round then?
highly doubt it, it depends if Moo get a 47 slot server, if not then it'll be on LOTF again until Moo do, if Moo dont then i guess LOTF will be our race hosts too in which case there will be a new password for each race
I have no plans to get a 47 slot server. It's just too expensive at the moment.
Buuuuh.. uhm, I mean Mooooo
LOTF is more than happy to support these event by providing a server.

Hopefully our 500 servers connections are stable enough for everyone.

Great organization and marshalling BenjiMC and team.

Server was great for me today.
LOTF server is in America so I had big ping and disconnects...
you'd have discons if the server was in you back garden niki thanks LOTF for helping out