+1 for the Nürnburgring
But since in this thread, a +1 and -1 seems not to go without a written oppinion

, here's my story:
Why real life tracks in LFS:
+ As a kid, I used to drive the good old Formula One Grand Prix a lot. And I remember how fascinating it was watching the real pro's driving on the same track - seeing the lines they choose and the perfection. It didn't even mather, if there was not a single overtaking in the whole race.
+ LFS is that good, that it not only can be used to get to know the track, you can actually get to know how to drive the track. And I just can imagine the feeling to go to a track, get laughed at because of saying you practiced it on the computer, and then kick ass by beeing several seconds faster than all the other hobby drivers on the track.
Why no real life tracks in LFS:
- I only see one reason, the rest are rather problems. The one reason is, that we can get several fictional tracks in the time we can get one real life copy. It's hell of a difference just to do something and if it does work out slightly different than planned it doesn't matter or try to find out how something has to be and then do an exact replication of it. Maybe, if you want to do a good fictional track, the difference is not that big anymore, but who says, that the real life track is good.
(My definition of a good track: a track, that brings action into the race and is fun to drive. The fun thing is somewhat subjectiv, but regarding the action part, we also have quite some tracks in LFS, that miss that part. We had quite some league races, where our top drivers did a 80 minute Trulli-train because there was no chance to overtake.)
Some of the problems (license, effort, track data) could become reasons, if they are not solveable. But on this points, everything is a speculation and are therefore for me no valid reasons against real time tracks unless the devs tell us otherwhise. The only thing we can do, is to give this request a certain priority on our wishlist. And if we say, we want rain, realistic wind and better damage model first, it just pushes the real life tracks down the list - but not off the list.
Why I vote for Nürnburgring and not for real life tracks in general:
I watch quite a lot of races on tv, but I never felt the need of having one of the tracks in LFS. But when I watched the 24h race on the Nordschleife recently, I really, really, really would have loved to race on it in LFS. After all, it is the most challenging race track on earth.