After a 6 month wait to the day, CLC is releasing the next upgade to the Caribbean Cruise Server. Monkster has been hard at it making it compatible with LFS Patch X. He also has included many new features:
- New commands
- Inclusion of speed traps and road safety devices
- A new monitoring system to define when suspects are truely caught by police to avoid confusion.
- New and improved quests
- No-reset feature
- Increased stability
Relevant Links:
Web Site : http://www.citylifecrew.net
Rules : http://www.citylifecrew.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=6
Forum : http://www.citylifecrew.net/forum/
//JasonJ CLC - CityLifeCrew
:Highway Roads AS:
(Highway DARKER Roads AS)
New Track Textures for Aston [AS]
CLC Aston Cruise Highway Roads with centrelines, standard resoloution, 1024x1024
Downloads Below
1 - CLC's Aston Highways
2 - LFS's Aston Default Roads