The online racing simulator
The LFS Touring Cup
(37 posts, started )
#1 - br0nd
The LFS Touring Cup
LFS Touring Cup
Founded by Br0nd on June 17th, 2007
General Information -

The LFS Touring Cup will consist of TBO cars (RB4, FXO, and XRT) and will include many different tracks to challenge the racers. The races will be held on Saturdays but we may add a division for either Tuesday or Wednesday. The time is still undecided but it will be between 12:00 Noon to 5:00 PM Eastern time (+5 GMT). Each race will apx. last 30 minutes.

Each season will consist of 4 races, three regular races and 1 championship race. A new season will start every month. Also, since there is five Saturdays on in some months (March, June, September, and December), there will be a mini event after the championship round during that month.

Season 1 is scheduled to start, July 7th, 2007. This will help people prepare for the race. After each championship event, there will be a new schedule and signup sheet avaliable.


Season 1 Schedule -

July 7th, 2007 - LFS Touring Cup Begins! - AS Club - 30 Laps
July 14th, 2007 - Round 2 - FE Gold Rev - 22 Laps
July 21st, 2007 - Round 3 - SO Sprint 1 Rev - 30 Laps
July 28th, 2007 - Championships - AS Grand Touring - 5 Laps


FAQ's -

Q. - Is this event S2 only or is it a demo league as well?
A. - This is a S2 licenced league. If you are a demo user, get S2 !

Q. - Will this be in a private server? If so, how do I get the pass?
A. - Yes, if you will register to the league, you will be sent a e-mail with the server name and password.

Q. - When will the league website be up?
A. - When we are done editing it and adding all the info


Points System -

The points system will work like this. If someone comes in 1st place, they get 1 point. If someone comes in 2nd, they get 2 points. If someone comes in 3rd place they get 3 points and so on. The main idea is to get the least ammount of points at the end of the season.


Signing Up Requirements -
  • S2 Licenced
  • Fern Bay Gold Rev Time (*)
  • Must show up at events (Dont sign up if you are not going to come)
- Time (*) : In order to sign up for the LFS Touring Cup, you must have a good time at Fern Bay Gold Rev. Here are the times you have to beat.

RB4 - 1.37
FXO - 1.36
XRT - 1.37


Signing Up

If you have met the requirements, please fill out this form and post here. Make sure that you don't sign up if you are not going to come.

Quote :
* Name:
* S2 Name:
* E-Mail (Can be PM'd):
* Number:
* Country:
Favorite Car (RB4, FXO, or XRT):
Licence Plate:

* - Requiered



Special Thanks

I would like to thank [RF] Sephir, [RF] Keisu, and Rider Motion for their help in creating this league

- Br0nd
#2 - NikoP
I'm wordless. But i'll try, lol
Quote :Points System -

The points system will work like this. If someone comes in 1st place, they get 1 point. If someone comes in 2nd, they get 2 points. If someone comes in 3rd place they get 3 points and so on. The main idea is to get the least ammount of points at the end of the season.

What happens if a driver mid season joins? It sounds similar to the 1930's points system that was

1 point to 1st position
2 points to 2nd poition
3 points to 3rd position
4 points to those that completed 75 % of the race
5 points to those who completed 50% of the race
6 points to those who completed 25% of the race
7 points to those who did not complete 25% of the race
8 points to those who dId not start!

* Name:Keisu
* S2 Name:importfantasy
* E-Mail (Can be PM'd):
* Number:07
* Country:US
Favorite Car (RB4, FXO, or XRT):FXO
Licence Plate:Keisu
#5 - NikoP
* Name:uhh... Niko?
* S2 Name: dunno
* E-Mail (Can be PM'd): or
* Number: 87
* Country: Finland.
Favorite Car (RB4, FXO, or XRT): RB4.
Licence Plate: TOO SLOW
Sounds good, if only the Rev configs were un-reversed then i'd join asap, but other wise i guess ima have to get sum major practice in if im guna join,and naturally i have t go to college tmoro till 12th of july =[

EDIT:btw is there a limit on the numbers of certain cars you have on the grid? I.e X number of rb4 X no. of FXO ect?
#7 - Jakg
Niko - License plate "Too Fast". Does not compute!

"July 28th, 2007 - Championships - AS Grand Touring - 5 Laps" FIVE laps? that's like 10 minutes :X
#9 - Jakg
He's got S2, or else he wouldn't ask to drive the RB4...
Hes ashamed of his licence name where he called himself noob.
ohh haha Niko u nub!
sounds interesting but 5 laps i mean come on man you could o more than that
* Name: Kristof
* S2 Name: koolby
* E-Mail (Can be PM'd):
* Number: 2
* Country: Belgium (GMT+1)
Favorite Car (RB4, FXO, or XRT): FXO
Licence Plate: Spark0
Quote from Jakg :Niko - License plate "Too Fast". Does not compute!

"July 28th, 2007 - Championships - AS Grand Touring - 5 Laps" FIVE laps? that's like 10 minutes :X

Changed it just for you
#16 - Jakg
LOL, your trying, its not your fault i keep owning you in the TBO's, i am just too damn good.

Quote from Jakg :LOL, your trying, its not your fault i keep owning you in the TBO's, i am just too damn good.


/me slaps Jakg

Well, sign in the league then
#18 - Jakg
Erm, i'm already IN a TBO league if you hadn't noticed, and the next league i enter will probably be BOTT. Plus i'm not sure how long this league will last....
* Name: Kancel
* S2 Name: Kancel
* E-Mail (Can be PM'd):
* Number: 11
* Country: Australia (GMT+10)
Favorite Car (RB4, FXO, or XRT): XRT
Licence Plate: NR-KAN
* Name: [RF]Sephir
* S2 Name: LazLoW
* E-Mail (Can be PM'd):
* Number: 03
* Country: Ontario, Canada
Favorite Car (RB4, FXO, or XRT): XRT
Licence Plate: S:GO 445

I agree Cez, you should use this system:
1 point to 1st position
2 points to 2nd poition
3 points to 3rd position
4 points to those that completed 75 % of the race
5 points to those who completed 50% of the race
6 points to those who completed 25% of the race
7 points to those who did not complete 25% of the race
8 points to those who dId not start!

But I would change it up a bit.

1 point to 1st position
2 points to 2nd poition
3 points to 3rd position
4 points to 4th position (and so on)
8 points to those who did not start! (therefore started mid-leage,
say they missed 2 races, you add 8 points for each race, so they
would start with 16 points.)
#21 - Ciel
* Name:Contrail
* S2 Name:Ciel
* E-Mail (Can be PM'd):
* Number:13
* Country:PRC(GMT+8)
Favorite Car (RB4, FXO, or XRT):XRT
Licence Plate:AI 0
Quote from LazLoW :* Name: [RF]Sephir
* S2 Name: LazLoW
* E-Mail (Can be PM'd):
* Number: 03
* Country: Ontario, Canada
Favorite Car (RB4, FXO, or XRT): XRT
Licence Plate: S:GO 445

I agree Cez, you should use this system:
1 point to 1st position
2 points to 2nd poition
3 points to 3rd position
4 points to those that completed 75 % of the race
5 points to those who completed 50% of the race
6 points to those who completed 25% of the race
7 points to those who did not complete 25% of the race
8 points to those who dId not start!

But I would change it up a bit.

1 point to 1st position
2 points to 2nd poition
3 points to 3rd position
4 points to 4th position (and so on)
8 points to those who did not start! (therefore started mid-leage,
say they missed 2 races, you add 8 points for each race, so they
would start with 16 points.)

So someone who finishes 9th+ gets more points than someone who doesn't start? I think you'd better use a normal "who has most points wins" system, but your call
We will have it all sorted out soon enough. I think Cezary should put a cap on the number of racers a season so the points system will be easy.
Quote from LazLoW :We will have it all sorted out soon enough. I think Cezary should put a cap on the number of racers a season so the points system will be easy.

wtf you're also in charge of the Touring Cup?!? Then I'm not in anymore (I have a bad feeling of the event going down...)
Quote from Riders Motion :wtf you're also in charge of the Touring Cup?!? Then I'm not in anymore (I have a bad feeling of the event going down...)

Not counting "Race Warz" also. Thats 3 events at the smae time.

The LFS Touring Cup
(37 posts, started )