Using the official settings, big surprise

, works well, except that no matter whether I am using my current G25 or previous MOMO or previous Guillemot before that I have one persistent issue with LFS FFB:
The road surface, curbing, etc. FFB is inconsistent. The grip forces are smooth and well executed, but bumps and curb rumbles sometimes can be felt and sometimes not. The visual cues (cockpit vibration) are there every time, but it's like hit and miss whether the FFB is there. I find this very unrealistic and frustrating and it makes LFS pale in comparison to GTR2, for example, which connects you in a very visceral way to the car and track.
Are there any tweaks or settings I can employ to try to improve this? To confirm, I am using the settings from the official docs (linked above) right now.
Thanks in advance.