wow...I have been gone just two day and it looks to me like the event isnt going down. Because everyone spammed and got into arguments, Victor has denied us a subforum. Thanks a lot guys. Now, whoever looks at this thread will probobly this its just a joke and won't sign up. I was actually looking forward to this league and had planned out mostly everything. I have put this together for YOU GUYS because Im not even going to race. And in return, you guys spam up the freakin thread and get into fights. Again, thanks a lot guys.
If you are serious about joining the league, you can visit
Its still a WIP but you can still sign up using the information thats provided in the first thread of this forum
and Victor, if you look back at this, I hope you see it in a different way and not just another noob starting a nooby league. I, with the help of LazLow have been working on this for a couple of weeks, hours of planning, testing tracks and trying to servers for the league.