I was on a demo server driving away and> lost connection to host. Ok I thought reconnect> no, no connection to master? wtf, ok no internet connection at all?
Took a look at network connections in controll panel and nothing there? wtf? > Tcp over net bios was enabled and all services pointing to network connections had been disabled.....how the hell did net bios get enabled? was this some sort of attack or something?
I use Zone alarm and in the logs nothing odd happened...strange
Spankey gimme ur ip address an 20 quarter pounders an I show u what bloat is all bout my friend
I didn't have time earlyer to explain the full extent of the happenings(see: xx )
leading up to the point where someone/thing disabled all windoze services all to do with my network
whilst kicking demo noob ass...as I so very often do.
Two weeks ago; I got so pissed off with trying to stop an ATI integrated graphics conflict with my sad integrated ATI notebook
with a dodgy Samsung video cam driver I tried to revert back to ATI drivers from the preferred omega setups...i know.
At first upon installing video cam driver..yes the usual "IS NOT A WINDOWS DRIVER Y/N?" yadayadada> install> yes>BSOD
so yaeh into smurf mode i goes and disables the hardware so windows wouldnt load shit ati conflcting drivers and shit....MY POINT IS YOU WILL HAVE TO FOLLOW THESE NEXT STEPS TO UNDERSTAND HOW MY NETWORK CARD WAS ALLOWING TCP OVER NET BIOS:
(after bsod)
I had the bright idea; that if...yeah(In device maneger(Windows)>click view, then sort by'Devices by conection'[+]ACPT multiprosser PC[PCI BUS] LOL!) I uninstalled thw whole of drivers in the PCI BUS because i was crying and hate ATI and windows and crying
AARG!!!!!!! it took twenty minutes for everything to driver install itself ..From fan drivers to vga display drivers.
So theres how my network card reverted back to stock settings enabling tcp over net bios thus allowing someone/thing disabling all network services(Point 1. What is TCP over net biosants: ?)stopping me on the last bit of kerb on the last snakey bit in teh Forest from getting a 1:34:8x.!!!
I ***king love blackwwod especially in the xfg and other times in teh VW RB4(on PaTChX-TeST SeRVeR!)(thanks tijay).
I didnt have time to write earler cos i went for too many dinners in resturaunts after the eatingout? wots yer favourite food thread
It's an Eircom problem [presuming your on Eircom]... They had a power surge today and i think it did some damage. If you restart your modem you should be fine.
Loads of our clients have been calling us with Internet connection problems. Didn't affect us mind you, and we're on Eircom..
na, im with ntl...amongst that garble I tryed to explain how I reinstalled my network card driver resetting stuff and leaving it open to attack as I dont use a firewall.
That explains it all! Nah maybe NTL suffered a similar problem to Eircom. There was an ESB surge just after lunch in and around the Southside and South Inner City.
yep...i still have my doubts it was anything todo with a surge unless a surge is able to disable all windows services[Disabled] regarding network connections:
These are what got disabled after getting a disco from demo server:
DHCP client
Network connections
Network DDE
Wheather or not it had anything to do with that tcp over netbios thingy being enabled I don't know.....maybe it was a surge and it just messed with my network card and knocked out the services