Foxtrot Racing
(8 posts, started )
Foxtrot Racing
[FR] an Oval team is currently recruiting.
for more info visit our hompepage:
and our server [FR] Foxtrot Racing

quoted our Teamleader [FR]Platinum:
Quote :Racing in a server one day on KY Oval, I met a few good guys who were good at racing, and we seemed to get along well (Gore), I added him to MSN and spoke about making a team, we came up with a few names but agreed on the [FR] Team Name. We bought a server, started telling other friends who play, of which now have joined, and began to expand dramatically. Now we have a great group of people in which are dedicated, and are good Oval Drivers (we are a KY Oval Team).

A new Member joined recently (NightFly) who created our fantastic skins.... Thank you for that mate. And has helped me a lot in getting the team together.

We do have many more members, and are basing our recruitment on laptimes/personality/LAG/dedication, we want players who are going to come and play, and not play for a few days, and then procede elseware. If you think you have what it takes, fill out an application form, where you will recieve a reply very soon about whats going to happen.

team mebers currently:
[FR] Platinum (Admin)
[FR] Gore (Admin)
[FR] NightFly (Artist)
[FR] Freebird
[FR] Ahab
[FR] Lightning
[FR] Alkanphel
[FR] Crazy
[FR] Pain

so don't hesitate to visit us.
seems to be a good idea
Hi there, I am [FR] Platinum (the Team Leader), please find attached a image of our team skins, which were superbly created by [FR] NightFly, thank you very much
Attached images
Another oval team
I might set up a Blackwood team
give them a chance guys
Yeah FR is a "good" team alright..

I just got banned from their server for exiting pit road..

Lovely team you got here.

Way to ruin your reputation already.
oh give it a god damn rest. Grunt, if people searched for your posts they would mostly be complaining about something that happened to you on someone elses server.

Solution: Get your own server, make your own rules, and enjoy racing alone. Its actually you and people like you who seem to brag and show off about getting banned from servers that ruins reputations, and generally brings things down.

Im not having a go at you in particular, just your post hit me and I had to rant.

Foxtrot Racing
(8 posts, started )