The online racing simulator
(19 posts, started )

Poll : do you keep boxes?

yes, i do
no, i don't
yeah, boxes
everytime i buy something for my pc, i like to keep the boxes
is there any1 else who does this? and why? or am i plain crazy?
lol u better do it for warranty, thats how i have 10 boxes for wheels lol, and over 50 boxes of pc stuff
i tend to keep them for things that are worth a bit of money (£30+)
thats about it. then once iv had that thing a bit i wil throw the box out
#6 - Slopi
I keep the boxes for my displays and some other larger, more fragile objects. That way if I every have to move, they go back into the original package that it was shipped in, all with form fitting styrofoam and all
#7 - Jakg
Your mad!

Just wish the 8800GTX was mine
Attached images
Quote from Jakg :Your mad!

Just wish the 8800GTX was mine

You really need to get a wife...or is it life?
#9 - Jakg
none of them (but one) are mine, i'm a little young to get a wife, and screw getting a life when i've got UKCT!
I keep large corregated cardboard boxes. Never know when you might need to make a template for something.
I keep big boxes, because I tend to move house every 18 months or so. Although I really like the place I'm in now so I'll probably stay, but it's got a huge attic so plenty of space for storing boxes!

Other stuff I'll keep for a month, just in case I need to return it, then I throw the boxes away.
I keep the boxes. They come handy when I sell my old stuff and I am too lazy to get rid of them
I liked Lert's thread better...
Boxes ftw!! but my mother keeps throwing them out when im not around after a while
i only kept one, from my ipod.... so that counts like no or yes?
I had a box collection when I was 10 (Family was poor back then. I got free boxes from the back of walmart) and at one point I had had a Box car, House, hell I even had a fake Box Dog. Then I took em all, made an "indestructable" wall in the road and watched in horror as an 18 wheeler smashed right through em with no surviving boxes...I had forgotten the road infront of my house was an interstate.
Quote from Jakg :none of them (but one) are mine, i'm a little young to get a wife, and screw getting a life when i've got UKCT!

Come to think of it...

I would rather have UKCT than have a wife
Quote from Scrabby :lol u better do it for warranty, ...

Funy that you say this because in Germany many people think you only have full warranty with the original boxes also the most shops tell you that bul*sh*t.
But it's just a urban legend (you always have full warranty on the product no matter if you got a cardboard box or not )

If I would keep all boxes of things I have bought then I would have to rent a special storeroom for it.
So I just keep things like newer display boxes and printer boxes.
What he says is true. You dont need the original packaging to return an item, they just would like it so they can sell it on the cheap in a biiiig warehouse.

The only box I have kept is for PC case so I can move it easily from house to house etc. & my G25 box for some reason.

(19 posts, started )