Tried that but it didn't work... time and time again. I found out that actually holding the inside line and actually driving over the inside curb was my best bet for getting through safely on CD3 (UFR/XFR?) T1. If you are hit you might stay on track because you are bumped into another car and not straight onto the grass.
I like the UFR/XFR cars after spending most of my time lately on CTRA/STCC servers on the UF1 and didn't yet touch a RWD car in patch X

Ah well, it's sometimes frustrating also because you are actually raced and consequently usually being crashed by people ignoring the blue flag on that server. Usually happens when you are finally getting in the top ten and hope to be more crash free and the next race you are completely taken out by a backmarker and have to try and start from the last row again. Sometimes I just give up and that wasn't happening on the CTRA servers. It probably has to do with car control, that is just a little harder on the R class on that little track.
I do still enjoy it though :P