sorry i dont have the time(or skills...) , but maby if you went to that site thats on the skin it mite have others like it or you mite be able to ask one of them to make it for you.
ps that link is a skins site mm that site seems to be dead.
Update the car skin wants to look like tequila sunrise now the front of the car needs to be yellow then to the end of the of the doors now that should be like this ... _carb_tequila_sunrise.jpg now look at the bottom of the glass that end of the glass should look like the end of the car get what i mean.
I couldn't sleep so I had a go at it but it's not a perfect replica. I wasn't too sure about putting rival brands together but
Let me know what you think.
Nice looking but make it a bit more yellow also add a bit a gold with the yellow please. So far its just 96% looks like my mates car keep up the good work. For e.g but 100% yellow in then 40 % of gold.