The online racing simulator
Drifting Is Under Fire!
(28 posts, started )
Quote from theirishnoob :drifting is now an official racing sport in Ireland so i don't think there gonna ban it here anytime soon plus , America along side the u.k Australia Ireland etc where the firs few people to adapt theres style of "drifting" now the country that doe's it the most is banning it ? seems pretty weird to me

And when did I see drifting mentioned in the Blue Book?

EDIT : I just remembered, they don't use the blue book in ROI. It's just that it isn't recognised in the UK by the MSA.
#27 - Gunn
Quote from T-6 TURBO :... i mean really? ban drifting..... wtf is next, no tires on cars?

Yep, the no tyres thing will also achieve the same goal, if not a little heavy-handedly.
no tyres wouldnt sureprize me afterall , the rules on racing have become very strict in the last 5-10 years

Drifting Is Under Fire!
(28 posts, started )