The online racing simulator
LFS username in MPR
(5 posts, started )
LFS username in MPR

Is possible to add LFS username in MPR and SPR file in the future?

Is better to link the results table to LFSWORD for example.

The LFS usernames are in MPR file header, but in an undocumented part :-). I wrote a program, that prints LFS usernames from MPR (finished order). Also players, that didn't finish are parsed by the program, but they are not printed. The C-sources are in the attachement (GPL licence). I have no idea, if it works when player gets false-start-spectate....

I can write some description of the mpr header, if my C code is too cryptic for you ;-).
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Coments below...

typedef struct {
char LFSMPR[6]; // 0 : do not read file if no match
byte game_version; // 6 : ignore
byte game_revision; // 7 : ignore
byte MPR_version; // 8 : ignore
byte immediate_start; // 9 : joined already running game
byte reserved1; // 10 : -
byte reserved2; // 11 : -
int rules; // 12 : -
int flags; // 16 : -
byte laps_byte; // 20 : laps / hours (see notes)
byte skill; // 21 : skill level (0,1,2,3,4)
byte wind; // 22 : 0=off 1=weak 2=strong
byte num_players; // 23 : players at start of race
char LFS_version[8]; // 24 : text, ends 0
char short_track_name[4]; // 32 : e.g. BL2R
int start_time; // 36 : seconds since 00:00 1/1/1970
char track_name[32]; // 40 : text, ends 0
byte config; // 72 : 1,2,3.. (first config is 1)
byte reversed; // 73 : 0=no 1=yes
byte weather; // 74 : 0,1,2.. (first weather is 0)
byte num_finished; // 75 : players in results table
int zero; // 76 : -
} __attribute__ ((packed)) MPR_HEADER;

No news for me its OK

typedef struct {
char player_name[24]; // 0 : text, ends 0, no colours
char number_plate[8]; // 24 : text, NOTE : NO ZERO AT END
char short_car_name[4]; // 32 : text, ends 0
byte zero1[24]; // 36 : -
word laps_done; // 60 : total laps completed
word player_flags; // 62 : driver settings (see NOTES)
byte confirm_flags; // 64 : penalties (see NOTES)
byte number_of_stops; // 65 : pit stops count
word penalty_seconds; // 66 : penalty time added
int overall_time; // 68 : milliseconds
int best_lap_time; // 72 : milliseconds
int zero2; // 76 : -
} __attribute__ ((packed)) RESULT_INFO;

No news again

This is a problem above, how to convert this to PHP... ?

typedef struct {
word username_info_ident; //always 0x73C
byte unknown[3];
char player_name[24];
char number_plate[8];
char lfs_username[24];///this is my dream LOL
} __attribute__ ((packed)) LFS_USERNAME_INFO;

its a gift!


LFS username in MPR
(5 posts, started )