Sending Skins by P2P technology
I think that are better ways to download skins from the other users in game, that the server sends it.

You could use P2P technology, when user with a new skin is connected, the user sends this skins to the server of track, and this send to another user, these users, sends to another users. The idea is not to centralize the sends to only one server/user. Like a bittorrent technology (not like eMule)

Sorry my english.
Not sure how it would work on slower (DSL) connections... would cause lag.
So if one user has a low speed connection, it can send the other users with a high speed connection, it is simply, don't has why to send if his/her speed connection can't to do. The perfect operation, is like a bittorrent,
whatever more users more bandwidth, now is the opposite, whatever more users less bandwidth available.

The advantage is high resolution skins for everybody without pay an extra for a server bandwidth. And not to has send to before

I think that if is applied well, it is a good idea
#4 - joen
Quote from Napalm Candy :And not to has send to before

Not sending it through lfsworld first would also mean losing the ability to control and removal of certain skins (skins containing racism, pornograpy, or other offensive content)
#5 - CSU1
If people where able to send unchecked files to one and others folders in the LFS directory it would only open up a whole new area of problems with viruses
I don't think that would work. Slower connections would lag more often and Joen has a good point about loosing controll of content the players put in the game.

An option could be the server (hosting a game) downloads the skins
once from LFS world and from then on supplies the players with that skins.

But the developers need to eat too. I think it's ok the look for other ways (other then selling licences) to make a living. As long as it's not going to be something like Xbox Live with a monthly fee to play online
#7 - herki
My upload is 8kB/s. I wouldn't want to send skins while racing. I would however like to see a "send skin"-button, just like "send setup", but I think that also was suggested before.
It would be nice if there will be an option for that where you can activate p2p to support the LFS servers. Original skin is send by LFS server to player1. Player1 sends it to player2. Both sends it to 3 and 4 while LFS server sends the skin to player5 and so on. This could save alot of traffic and if someone doesnt want to send skins he can deactivate it.
#9 - ajp71
I don't see the advantage of this system, frankly if it came to it I'd rather pay for 512 skins on the current system than go to a new system with more potential for lag and problems