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Powerline Connection Problems
(10 posts, started )
Powerline Connection Problems
Woo..A thread made by mee


For the last... well.. year or so I've been using something called Powerline to connect to the internet. You plug ethernet cable from your pc to a normal ordinary plug socket, and the magic of [insert the prick who invented it] will connect you to your Powerline ADSL modem 18.7 lightyears away, downstairs in the other room via the Electric Cables in the house (Yes eletctric cables :really

Here is where the problem lies. Not so bad with other games, but its this one game, Maple Story.

I've tried for Months and months to try to live with it, improve it, and such to no avail.

I log on, and invariably it times out on the initial log on.

When I eventually get manage to log on, I am struck with HUGE lag, as anyone (if anyone) here plays Maple knows, if you lag, you can be damaged, and when the lag stops, damage taken will be stacked.

I can be sat, doing nothing and just lag DC.

When training, as a high lvl DK, this inevitably means the death of me then these common and annoying lags occur, and reults in the tearful depature of 10% or so (which is about 3 hours SOLID training)

Most of the time I have lag, sometimes, rarely, i dont, it can be okay one second, and terrible the next 3 hours.

Recently, I convinced my mum to let me use the normal USB ADSL modem which came with the AOL (DONT FLAME ME I DIDNT PICK THEM) connection.

It was totaly perfect. I had No lag, No disconnctions in the 2 weeks or so of use. This involved using the RJ11 cable running from the normal ADSL modem downstairs to the phone socket. No lag's at all, perfect connections, not a complaint.

Argument ensued with my, shall we say less that computer literate mother, since this isnt the Jeremey Kyle show, i wont bother saying about what, but it caused her to return the cable back to the shop.

So, back on the shi**y powerline connection, i physically CANT play maple, its too laggy. I'm being told by people (aka my sister and my mums bf) that MY pc is to blame, when, clearly its not because with the normal connection (i.e the normal ADSL and RJ11 cable) i have NO lag, and with this powerline I do.

The downstairs pc uses the same Powerline ADSL router, but does NOT use the powerline function of it, since it is in the same room, and is connected directly via an Ethernet cable. I've tested there, and there is no lag.

What can I do?

p.s I've tried TCP optimizers and so on, no improvements, and my pc has NO spy/ad/mal/wtf ware either. Or any virus's, or and trojan ponies.
#2 - bal00
Does Maple use TCP, UDP or both? If you don't know, have a look with Ethereal.
Is the powerline transmitter on the same circuit as the receiver?
I'm not sure how I can help, but stop playing Maple. Then maybe you can play LFS mooooore.

I dont know, its an online game, what is this Ethreal program? Google it or is it some program you test on the game.


My pc is upstairs in my bedroom. The router is downstairs in the little pc room (study) so out my room downstairs, through the lounge, through the dining room, and its there, so I doubt it

@ Naill

No, maple is good. Ask danny and bob, I got them addicted

EDIT : Am Downloading and installing Ethereal, will test and report back
Umm.. okay

I ran the Ethreal thingy and not only did it totaly confuse me but I also saved the thingy. That is the RAR thing.

*attachment removed*
#7 - bal00
Ah, great. is the game server and it's using TCP. Looks like there are some intermittent packet loss/crosstalk issues with the connection...fairly common with Powerline stuff. If other games are not having lag problems, chances are they simply use better (more fault-tolerant) netcode.

Other than trying to improve the Powerline connection itself (testing different wall outlets, putting other devices on different circuits), I don't think there's much you can do, unless WLAN is an option.

Btw, you may wanna take down the Ethereal capture file as it could contain some of your passwords/Maple account info etc.
Thanks baloo for the heads up with the possible account info.

Im trying to get my normal DSL connection back its still at a standstill, you helped alot, will try stuff out
Quote from S14 DRIFT :My pc is upstairs in my bedroom. The router is downstairs in the little pc room (study) so out my room downstairs, through the lounge, through the dining room, and its there, so I doubt it

That might explain the connection problems. The signal has to travel all the way through your circuit panel, so it is probably very weak.
Yea, I've always assumed it's something to do with packet/data loss due to interference and the like. Also, I've never liked the idea of internet signals and stuff through the electric circuits. It's like seeing a baby with earings :|

Powerline Connection Problems
(10 posts, started )