The online racing simulator
Need Help with Wheel and Pedals
hello i just purchased s2 the other day after playing the demo and really enjoying it, even though i was using a mouse. Im now looking at buying a wheel and pedals. I think ill probably go with the Drive Force Pro is it? but if any1 has some other suggestions for around the same price range it would be appreciated. the Driving Force Pro is made for ps2 correct? and if so you can use the ps2 > usb converter or whatever it is yea? if not could i have some advice etc etc

Thanks a lot.
the DFP comes with USB only, no PS2 plug ins.

To have it work with LFS, check out the Logitech site and try to find the downloadable driver you have to install to get it to work on your PC.

If you buy one and have any trouble finding the file, let me know. I use DFP with LFS and mine works more than great
i meant ps2 as in playstation to, does it come as the playstation2 adapter or with usb?
USB. The actual Playstation 2 Console comes with USB ports, and that's where you would plug it in on a PS2.
You actually don't have to use a driver with the DFP. Many people on here use it without. However; if you want the ability to adjust the maximum rotation of the wheel you will need to install it. Personally, I run with it and set my wheel to 720*. I turn off the unnecessary "canned" forces and turn off compensation.

Wouldn't have it any other way.