The online racing simulator
F1 idea
(29 posts, started )
Quote from srdsprinter :Sorry Benji- they basically tried that with CanAm. While it lead to remarkable technical inovation, the racing was lackluster as one manufacture would dominate, then drop out, in cycle till the series crashed.

Sorry? for what? I didn't know that at all. Thanks
Diddn't they outlaw ground effects due to the rapid drop pf grip, I.e the crashes was horrible?

The only way to realy limit aero is to have control monocock, or the cars would get more feathers than a hen. But sure bring back the kazoo shaped car, slicks, h-shifters and allow unlimited size simple turbos =)

I would like some way to make more varied strategies possible.

Now when there is only one tyre manufacturer I would like them to engineer tyres that are very forgiving (leading to incidents where you lose alot of time but only almost spin out) but also wear alot when used wrong (punishing bad drivers&engineers with extra pitstops) maybe tyres that has a very peaky grip/temp curve (maybe just causes t1 mayhem on starts and restarts)

Mandatory odd position of the fueltank to give huge weight changes ans the fuel burns off.

Or you could keep the quali like now and shorten the boring parts of the race where nothing happenes, but I mentioned that in another thread.

I want to make driver and team errors more probable, becuase currently they do hardly any errors a following car could take advantage of.
I want to make teams running one stop and four stop strategies finish on the same lap (without any apperance of Maylander!!!!)
I want incidents that is not crashes.
I want to be interested in what hapens in the mid field (thats where the action is, but who cares a bout a driver that takes two points in a whole season??)

I know its hardly possible but a man can dream.
Quote from heson :I want to make driver and team errors more probable, becuase currently they do hardly any errors a following car could take advantage of.

Thats why the guys are driving those cars, because they dont make mistakes.

The problem with making overtaking easier is, within the first few laps all the faster guys will have made thier way to front in order of who is fastest... Meaning that the rest of the race is depedent on a driver error or unreliability of the car, which in todays cars anyway, is almost bulletproof (unless your in a Red Bull).

Going back to Williams "tusk" front wing, I thought it was great to see something visibly different to what we have been used to, it was a change. Sure it didnt work but it was worth a try. To appreciate F1 you have to go beyond just the racing, and look at the technologies involved, the stuff is mind blowing. If you want to see "bumper to bumper" racing, then watch the WTC/BTCC/DTM etc.

Going back to my original point, F1 is considered the pinnacle of motorsport, and the drivers are classed as the best in the world. I can guarantee that if a driver makes too many mistakes (unless his name is R Schumacher or T Sato) then he would be out of job
Quote from D3monstrate :Thats why the guys are driving those cars, because they dont make mistakes.

Take away their TC, and their flappy paddles and they atleast have a chance of making exploitable mistakes.
The drivers in the seventies and eighties was at least as talented drivers and they did mistakes.

F1 idea
(29 posts, started )