The online racing simulator
I Need This Blow Off Valve
(48 posts, started )
I Need This Blow Off Valve
yeah i love that bov, if anyone has it do, PLEASE POST!
i love the sound of that blow
need it too... who has it, please for god's sake post it...
i dont get how to install it
Gimme 5 mins to upload the .eng for XRT

OK. "Crash Dummy" was kind enough to make some Dump Valves with that 'flutter'.

I grabbed that long deep flutter that he made: << add this to any turbo car using shift-a. If you want to make your own cars.

I put it in my favourite XRT, (using shift-a in game) and created this engine sound with FLutter BOV:
XRT_default.eng << save that to your engine folder. Back up your original XRT_default.eng sound first, incase you ever want it back.
Attached files
XRT_default.eng - 382.4 KB - 4534 views - 10.8 KB - 6354 views
just to let you guys know, that fluttering sound in that vid isnt actually made by a blow off valve, that is whats called compressor surge created by that forward and backward movement of the compressor wheel inside the turbo of a ball bearing turbo, my real car makes the same sound, and also has BOV sound, which like i said is seperate
however, it sounds nice, I loaded it into my XRR soundset and it helps me recognizing how the turbo is working. I got better PB's with it
can some body explain it to me, how i can use this sound
i cant get it to work
im not so good at pchehe

How do i get files converted to .wav files?
actually its the spring releasing charged air forward of your compressor and the flutter is caused by the spring bounce. can change your spring to get a better sound, too hard though and it wont release enough and cause backpressure making your turbo turbines stop suddenly and damaging them, thats the whole point of a "BOV", dump valve.
I will try to extract the HKS from the video but dont know if I will make it or promise about the quality.I will post later the results.
can u plz post that one on here
How can I import .wav files into LFS??
Copy them to LFS\Data\Engine and you can load them by opening the sound panel (shift + A ) and then press the L button beside the settings.
This one?
this is the sound I use, and think it's the one used on the first video. I found it somewhere in the forum, not made by me, but I love it to death
Attached files
Dump.rar - 5.4 KB - 4660 views
Quote from Drift_junki3 :Rename to .wav

Normally renaming .mp3 to .wav will not work.
Seriously dont do that. Because you will end up like this >>> :tired:

Normally use a sound converting program to convert .mp3 to .wav

But in that post the dude saved his .wavs renamed by him to .mp3's. So rename them back to .wav's.

Quote from Victor Vance :in the DDS folder?

Your looking in the dds folder for sounds..... oh dear.....No, they should be saved in the data/engine folder.
the flutter is due to a "low boost" condition. depending on the stiffness of the BOV will change the "sound" of the released air. when the forced air is released on a fairly weak BOV spring then the spring will bounce causing it to flutter. Now if the car had made full boost then it wouldnt flutter
The sound is charged bouncing between the turbo compressor wheel and the air filter, theres no springs or bov's involved at all.

I Need This Blow Off Valve
(48 posts, started )