The online racing simulator
Why do racers hate drifters and drifters hate racers?
This is something that has puzzled me for some time. I've noticed that a lot of racers don't appreciate drifters and vice versa. I mean, sure, when you're on a server to race and someone comes along to drift, you can just ask them nicely to stop drifting and if they don't, you know the rest . IMO, I appreciate high quality driving. For example, the Keiichi Tsuchiya Drift Bible, I'm amazed at what the "Drift King" can do! he's really really good! . So, what I'm saying is, why can't racers appreciate the skill to drift and vice versa?

I for one, appreciate the art of drifting, same way as I appreciate those who know how to drive a car fast and consistently. I'm more of a racer than a drifter but I do like to drift from time to time.

Oh and plz no pointless posting
#4 - Slopi
I used to enjoy doing both, and therefore don't mind either type of person... unless they are a die-hard fanatic about what they do, and insist that everything else is a waste of time. I believe that's what you see between the two types. You have some drifters that believe the only thing worth doing in LFS is drifting, and they clash with those that feel that LFS should only be used strictly for racing.

But what do I know, I'm just a racer now
My apologies , I have a reputation of not using the search function
Hey I have a brilliant idea! How about you make a "Real cars/tracks in LFS" thread next?
no need for sarcasm Android, I already have apologised.
Sarcasm doesn't need a reason, sarcasm just is.
some racers are ignorant and hate drifters for no reason. a large amount of drifters just happened to be very ignorant/ not knowledgeable about cars and racing in general and some people think all drifters are like that because they are weakminded.
They don't.

It's just the vocal minority which gives this impression.
Back to one of these again ey..... There just 2 completely different forms of motersport.... Drifters are to Racers and Racers are to Drifters what Cats are to Dogs and dogs are to cats....... (now somebody figure out what i just said if you can....)

Anyways... i dont think that this is one of those threads that is going to go anywhere nice.. judgeing by the other ones... So im going to close it.
This thread is closed