The online racing simulator
brake light glow looks awfully strange in that last one you posted, its to .. dark red, it needs to be a vibrant red
Quote from Vendetta :Its hard to find a picture of a car backfiring at the right angle, but i did get some pics from GT4 of a car backfiring. Im sure they could be of some help: ... x2/GT4/MR2_Backfire_2.jpg ... /saintdog/GT4/IMG0024.jpg

One of those should be able to help you make on yourself, or you could directly copy it from the pictures.

Thanks for those, I'll see what I can do


Allright, here's the really finished version. Thanks to vendetta for hooking me up with those backfiring shots. Also fixed the taillight.

Hope you like it :-)
I decided to give a go too. Used Paint shop pro and this is my first screen edit trying to look real life (lol):

The background (sky-tree line) looks bad, I know. Original picture taken from random online race.

EDIT: oops! forgot to enhance that wing
I kinda like that. It has a nice abstract feeling.
Quote from Hyperactive :I decided to give a go too. Used Paint shop pro and this is my first screen edit trying to look real life (lol):

The background (sky-tree line) looks bad, I know. Original picture taken from random online race.

EDIT: oops! forgot to enhance that wing

The sky does look weird, but its good for a first edit

Nice edit raf and Matrixi
^ lol it looks like the driver is about to dump his ride with the door open like that and all that shattered glass
He dumped his car becouse the volcano is erupting, I dont arse myself to dig up that edited picture, this is how the car was before it erupted, a little lava on the side too
Anyone know where i can find the animated GIF that says something like "nfsu...STFU" ?
#538 - Don
I cant run LFS at the best quality(but I will soon) so my shots arent the best but..
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Quick edit of an old S1 pic of Extreme and Sudo in South City.
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Thats pretty cool looking If only the picture was of higher res.
nice skin *jokingly*
Yes it's true the res is indeed small, so it looks a bit crappy, but the "feel" is there - nice smoke also
Yeah, I know; I accidentally saved a resized copy over my 1600x1200 copy without undoing the resize :banghead:

Still, gave me a nice technique for smoke, and now I'm working on a 2048x1536 w/ 8xaa & 16xaf edit

I'll try not to overwrite this one
NEVER overwrite any files
Im often having like 10 different versions, because I save every 5 minutes or so, and always a different filename.
Only one disadvantage: You'll need a new HD quite often
Same corner, same lap, same replay. Slightly differerent shot, but a more interesting one I think.

Higher res this time too.
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2 letters:
would look great if that FXO didnt have jaggies, angle and climate in the picture look great though
I did have AA on I think my card / drivers are being selective of what they apply it to though, or its applying it badly. (AGP 128mb 6600GT w/78.01)

If you look at the fence on the right, it is as smooth as, and so are the signs and cars in the bg.
The barriers and the fxo look jaggy tho

Here is the original, taken with fraps at 2048x1536@32bit w/ 8xAA & 16xAF forced in cp
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Quote from Anarchi-H :I did have AA on I think my card / drivers are being selective of what they apply it to though, or its applying it badly. (AGP 128mb 6600GT w/78.01)

If you look at the fence on the right, it is as smooth as, and so are the signs and cars in the bg.
The barriers and the fxo look jaggy tho

Here is the original, taken with fraps at 2048x1536@32bit w/ 8xAA & 16xAF forced in cp

I'd bet the rest of my years salary that screenie doesn't have FSAA enabled in it. I have noticed one thing in LFS happening tho, if I have FSAA enabled and I start LFS, then I remember I forgot to start fraps and I alt-tab in to windows, start fraps, go back to LFS and the FSAA is turned off! If you change resolution/refresh rate FSAA will be enabled again.

I dunno if this is only a problem with my Radeon/Catalyst but it might explain it.
hmmm... I just tried it, and when I take the shot, AA is definitely on, but when I view the screenshot it definitely isn't?!?

Fraps perhaps? I'm using 2.6.0 build 4791.

Edited pics
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