Hello Scaven,
I ran into an issue while doing an insim tool I called
LFS fast forward.
It uses time step requests to forward a replay to a specified time.
To get to the problem, I quickly explain, how it works:
1. I stop LFS with a time stop request
2. I forward with a time step request
LFS doesn't tell me, when time step is finished, but luckily LFS only queues any further requests until time step is finished (or jinsim does the queueing - not sure). So I can immediately do the following:
3. I send a singlecharacter request with key P to pause the game
4. And I send a time stop request to unfreeze the replay.
Works fine, because 3 and 4 are done after 2 is completed, so the replay is waiting in pause for the user to watch at the correct time stamp.
But if the time step request execution lasts longer than the 70 second time out, there is a problem. Because immediately after time step is finished, LFS kills the connection with the reason time out. So my connection is lost and the user get's a frozen replay, because the steps 3 and 4 are also not processed.
I tested it with Patch W and Patch X, no X test patches yet. But I haven't seen any update notes, which indicate a fix to that problem.
It's not an urgent issue for me (did a workaround) - just wanted you to know.
Thanks & kr