hey mate. You'll probably get someone posting some grumpy post to say use the search button or something non-friendly!
I have had mine a few weeks. I posted here when I got mine and it really helped loads:
The driver from wingmanteam is vital in my view. Once you have the installed, click on options and go to "global device settings". I use these settings in there:
- Overall Effects strength - 101%
- Spring Effect Strength - 0%
- Damper Effect Strength - 0%
- Enable Strength Spring in Force Feedback Games - Tick that box
- Centering Spring Strength - 0%
- Report Combined Pedals - unticked
- Degrees of rotation - 501 degrees (you cvan change this in LFS game.
Thats it for the wingman driver.
For ingame I have my forcefeedback set to about 40% and my degrees of rotation to 720 degrees.
Hope that helps

have fun.