In the perfect equal world you can hate anybody (you don't have to, as it's just plain silly being jealous for you neighbor for his new car he bough on his own earned money, in short, it doesn't make any sense) you like. I think the most racist thing is to acknowledge that people are somehow different. I know, it never will be perfect as it's easy and effective defense mechanism to call someone a racists because they don't like someone. But the person who actually notices some difference on different looking people and blames the other racists is the mother of all racists, because in his closed small human mind he thinks it's about appearance not the person.
If that makes sense, great! :P
Anyway, on the subject. There seems to be a ton of doctors involved. Now they've arrested some Indian doctor in Australia. So, don't trust your dentist because he or she might be planting a mind control devises or bombs in your mouth!