Hmm...well, as you know as an experienced driver, every ass drives 10 km/h faster than their speedometer because they think it's ok as you you get away with it. I'm an ass too. But the statement that driving on the exact speed limits would bring everything to halt is plain ridiculous. On the long run, sure you win some time moving place to place a tad faster but you got to remember that this country is run on big heavy truck wheels (yes, Volvo trucks included).
I for hell wouldn't let them drive any faster as they are already pushing against their limiters on every given chance. Someone might say that speed limits have no use. Well, they also say (laws of physics) that increasing your speed with 1/4 will double the braking distance. Point being that if it takes a long time stop a truck, it takes even longer to stop faster traveling truck. And as they are a bit on the fat size, I really rather not get hit by them. Of course, you could say that let's let passenger cars drive faster! Well, then there would be even more stupid overtakes because the trucks would get on your way even more! Not to mention, our roads are pretty retarded, especially with the grooves you get from studded tires which gather the water pretty well.
But you had a great point about the speeds in towns. It's pretty common for people do around 55-60 on 40 zone with the flow. Sometimes you can't even notice it. I'm really surprised the idiotic speed camera infection hasn't spread to towns as more speed can be far more dangerous there than on the normal roads, well, not for the driver but for pederestians. Few meters can save lives. Talking of speed cameras, they don't seem to work really well around here. The cameras do of course, but almost too well as the police is flooded and struggling with paperwork and the fines are delayed by months. Bloody idiots can't have fully automatic system as they must fine the driver and not the owner of the car by law buahahaahahah.