The online racing simulator
Quote from Electrik Kar : Skin on the second car must be a 2048 skin, right? It's very crisp.

Both Skins are 2048, but in the first Pic the Car is blurred a tiny bit.
Skins are made by pdanev and Hyperactive.

@Jimmy_Lemon: Try to use "Radial Blur" for the tires, it provides better looking results.
Quote from Highsider9 :
@Jimmy_Lemon: Try to use "Radial Blur" for the tires, it provides better looking results.

i did, but i stupidly skew'd them to the angle first instead of radial bluring them befor i resized the logos for the tyres

and btw kar, id of took it at 2560x1600 if i was at my dads but hes away down south atm so im stuck on a 22" lcd at me mums :P
how the hell do u get 24x aa?
one (rather long word):

HD2900XT, the crazily hot new card from AMD/ATi
Quote from d6nn :niiice i really like the colors and the effect

same as this dude, just teh opposite
Redline magazine - LFS :ices_rofl
Attached images
Found those exposure pictures I was talking about a while back, they were hidden in a Christmas folder on my mom's laptop, finally found them and just put them here on my laptop.

You may not call it daytime, but it is pretty darn bright. Especially the image out back, that is looking down into an area with a fair amount of shops (lots of parking lights illuminate the sky I'm guessing). The image out back actually does look much more like daylight, and trust me, there have been some afternoons that it looks like that, that picture was taken west, so that may also be a smidgen amount of sun light (possibly, maybe not).

Both pictures were taken around 1 A.M. and both are 30 second exposures I believe, I cannot remember what ISO setting however. Taken using a default Canon Rebel XTi.

(resized to 25% original size)
Attached images
New screenies
Made some modified screenshots again, still "Alfa Corse Racing" related FOX-shots. This will become a whole serie of TEN pics with use of the same colorstyle mainly to be used as desktop background and later-on to be used on our website. They are also available in original style, but i found this style better suited as desktop background. Like it or not...


Fields of gold Looks nice, is that tyre texture on the first pic selfmade ? bacuse it looks pretty detailed ! :9
Quote from MataGyula :Fields of gold Looks nice, is that tyre texture on the first pic selfmade ? bacuse it looks pretty detailed ! :9

Well, its not a real texture, i obviously used all kinds of high-res texturepacks, but what u see is done with Photoshop :P
I like to give the tyres some amount of visual wear.

Also the 2nd pic has the same kind of details on the tyre btw, maybe less clear. Also the Alfa Romeo badge on the nose is done afterwards. It looks much more realistic this way, now its more like the badge is really on it and has a certain thickness.

I mainly like the part where the frontwing is sticking out of the frame a little Got the idea when i nearly finished the picture.
Photoshop skillz0rZ FTW ! Those tyres look so damn realistic, you made a really good job on them . Can't wait to see the rest of the collection =d
I took my newly painted LX for a test drive.
Attached images
Quote from BruTaLysT :Made some modified screenshots again, still "Alfa Corse Racing" related FOX-shots. This will become a whole serie of TEN pics with use of the same colorstyle mainly to be used as desktop background and later-on to be used on our website. They are also available in original style, but i found this style better suited as desktop background. Like it or not...



Fantastic work!
OMG :jawdrop:
Another stupid demo boy , bananas coming
He is S2 Licensed.. Seen him many times.
Ok sorry Killman , but follow XCNuse 's advice to avoid confusion please.
Small edit for my sig in another forum.

ive seen that edit on lfst before helllo there RYU

Edited pics
(14106 posts, started )