The online racing simulator
Kegetys' Ghost Car v1.0 for S2
(191 posts, closed, started )
Wow just found this, where have i been im at work but cant wait to get home to try it, looks awsome
brilliant work! the acceleration coloured line helped me pretty much with my consistency...
Quote from windmouse :brilliant work! the acceleration coloured line helped me pretty much with my consistency...

yeah, and it shows you where the ghost was changing gear too
Seamlessly integrates with LFS, smooth as can be and haven't noticed any glitches so far. Brilliant work!
D3d dll plugin makes the game not start???
Any suggestions? I have been trying to get live for speed to work with the plugin but it will not startup. Only after I take the direct3d dll file out does the game work again, but then I cant get the ghostcar to work.
#81 - JJ72
I think it's great that you can't load WR replays with this programe, because as aforth mentioned that'll make it way too easy. Limited it to your own driving makes perfect sense in LFS cos it still requires someone to explore his own limitation. It's just the same as the replay analyser with the only difference that it's displayed live, you still have to use your brain in figuring out which line is better,

top notch work.
Quote from CrazyICE :yeah, and it shows you where the ghost was changing gear too

Quote from inCogNito :how?

you see it, for example, on the straight, where you accelerate (green path) and when the ghost shifts the color of the path changes... (to orange or so)
have a look on it!

"it's easy to see"
Finally, someone who is competitive with my slowness ..... ME Brill add-on/mod. I was shocked to see how much I wondered from one side to the other along the backstright of BL :O
Quote from seggons :I was shocked to see how much I wondered from one side to the other along the backstright of BL :O

lol, me too
Quote from CrazyICE :you see it, for example, on the straight, where you accelerate (green path) and when the ghost shifts the color of the path changes... (to orange or so)
have a look on it!

"it's easy to see"

i think that's a coincident. The color changes to orange or even red if you stop to accelerate. With the FO8 in AS national it gets red in the very fast corners, but not if you shift.
I wondered about the red line on the straight, but i couldn't figure out what's the reason. And it isn't the shifting. I tried it.

I will try it again tonight and make some screenshots.
what version of live for speed do you guys have? what version of the ghostcar mod do you have?? I have been trying to get this to work, and it seems so easy, but I still can't get it to even start with that dll file.
Quote from inCogNito :i think that's a coincident. The color changes to orange or even red if you stop to accelerate. With the FO8 in AS national it gets red in the very fast corners, but not if you shift.
I wondered about the red line on the straight, but i couldn't figure out what's the reason. And it isn't the shifting. I tried it.

I will try it again tonight and make some screenshots.

i noticed it in the XFG on BL RallyCross...
maybe in the fast cars there is not much difference in the acceleration when shifting...
probably. in the FO8 the line gets red in corners or uphill, even if you don't lose speed, just stopping gaining more (according to the speedometer, maybe the real speed gets slower by less than 1kph).
And maybe the same effect happens when you shift with a slower car.

maybe kegetys can tell us how the colors work
Quote from inCogNito :i think that's a coincident. The color changes to orange or even red if you stop to accelerate. With the FO8 in AS national it gets red in the very fast corners, but not if you shift.
I wondered about the red line on the straight, but i couldn't figure out what's the reason. And it isn't the shifting. I tried it.

I will try it again tonight and make some screenshots.

i think its a combination of losing acel while shifting (or actually slowing down a bit) and the fact that currently the cars velocity is just x+y so if you drive through an elevation change (like the up and down after the esses on blackwood) at a constant speed (try using the pit limiter) the line colour should change from orange when the road is still flat to red while the slope gradually increases and back to orange when youre on the linear part of the slope

so at any point where the curvature of the height of the track is not euql to 0 the line should change to red
I don't know how to get it working. LFS Q, GhostCar 1.01
I run LFSGrun.exe, but nothing happen after I wrote "/ghost on" and other commands, even /ghost help.
I have debugOutput=1 and my adminpass is the same as gamepass and this password I wrote to ghostcar config.
XP SP1, DX9.0c, R9500
Are you running single player + no AI, or hotlapping mode?
Quote from al heeley :Are you running single player + no AI, or hotlapping mode?

yes, as readme said
why "/ghost help" does nothing? some communicating problem between lfs and this mod? how this mod working? (coz I can't see any process in my task manager for it)
I'm also stuck on getting the damn ghostcar mod to work too. It has something to do with direct3d I think. I updated to 9.0c and everything seems to work fine, but the game can't start as long as the dll file that came with 1.01 or whatever.
Solved! I was right, there was communicating problem between insim and mod because of my firewall
Anyway brilliant mod, thank you Kegetys
Still not getting the game to launch. I did everything it said to do. I have tried both versions of ghostcar on both LFS versions, and still no luck. I love this idea for the ghostcar, but it's driving me crazy trying to get the mod to work....
I'm not trying to diss what the keys has done, but why the heck wount this dang thing work? I know keys isn't a tech support kinda hommie, cause I'm sure he has enough sL_)(T to do, but why cant this work???????????????????????/ I triend both versions with an ati x800 and the game doesn't want to start. I got it to boot once, but then the ghostmod wouldn't even work after it loaded. Any help would mean so much. Because as of now my life isn't compleat without it!!!!!
I'm going nuts here. I know computers very well, and I do everything the instructions say, but still no luck
Damn. Even my ghost is faster than me

No blue screens or anything else here. Just started that lfsgrun and wrote /ghost on. Perrrrfekt!

Now I just need to get faster

EDIT: forgot to mention that your firewall may block it. When you start lfs and when you're on the track with the car, press shift+F4 and check if your firewall is trying to tell you something. Also you may have firewall set to block all connections from or to LFS. Incoming to port 28888 or something like that it was...
If you ever get the ghost car mod to work tell me the trick to get it working.
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Kegetys' Ghost Car v1.0 for S2
(191 posts, closed, started )