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Irish Free Energy ??
(21 posts, started )
Irish Free Energy ??
Any of you guys heard anything about this ?

I know that there are a number of potential energy sources that apparently ignore the laws of current physics but I havn't heard about this one.

Free' energy technology goes on display

Wed, Jul 04, 2007

Technology developed by an Irish firm that allegedly defies basic laws of physics to produce free power today goes on public display for the first time.

Steorn is challenging worldwide cynicism over its claims to have stumbled upon a revolutionary discovery that creates clean, constant energy and could end the global fuel crisis.

While 22 scientists continue their exhaustive tests on the Orbo technology the inventors are asking the public to come and see a demonstration for themselves at Kinetica Museum, Spitalfields Market, London.

A live working demonstration will be streamed on the internet from 6pm tonight. It can be viewed on the web from four different camera angles, before opening to visitors on Thursday.

Sean McCarthy, chief executive of Steorn, said: "What we are showing basically is a very simplified version of the technology. It's virtually all-clear plastic and magnets so we are demonstrating obviously that there is no battery hidden and so on. What the system will be doing is literally lifting a weight, demonstrating work being done for free."

Mr McCarthy said the company decided against using the technology to illuminate a light-bulb because the use of wires would attract further suspicion from a scientific community that has denounced the invention as heretical.

The technology, based on the interaction of magnetic fields, and yet to be conclusively proven or declared a hoax, created a stir after Steorn placed an advertisement in the Economist magazine last year challenging the world's scientists to test its claims.

The company picked 22 of the world's leading scientists from Europe and the US for the review, which started in January and is not expected to be completed before the end of the year.

Mr McCarthy insisted Steorn are contractually obliged to publish whatever the scientists conclude in full, adding that the €8 million invested in the technology to date and the company's reputation were at stake.

"Obviously Steorn and Sean McCarthy would never recover if there is a negative result here. But we don't see that as even an outside possibility," he said.

© 2007
Quote from Racer X NZ :The technology, based on the interaction of magnetic fields, and yet to be conclusively proven or declared a hoax, created a stir after Steorn placed an advertisement in the Economist magazine last year challenging the world's scientists to test its claims.

ROFL! A lot of technology is based on the reaction of magnetic fields. Some guy invented a motor that attatches to a generator that can power a light bulb... big friggin deal. The energy has to come from somewhere.
I've been following this for a couple of days. If you ask me, the whole thing is intended as a huge publicity stunt to promote something else entirely - and I think that's why the mainstream press are wholly ignoring them.
Sounds to me its just another one of those flashlights that when you shake it back and forth that magnetic ball in the center goes into a capacitor and then you can light up a flashlight or now they have those watches that don't use batteries instead have those which power them as long as it moves, either through you or in a watch box.

Unless there is something I completely oversaw reading your post as to what it is.
Guess what... the demonstration was cancelled yesterday because it wouldn't work! lol! They said it was because of all the camera and lights, it was changing the temperature or something. Gangsters!
So, then how will this technology work in 90F weather?
What technology? All they've demonstrated is a plastic wheel that does nothing. Plastic wheels work quite well in 90-degree weather I think, judging by the ubiquity of childrens' toys in southern Europe.
Quote from wheel4hummer :ROFL! A lot of technology is based on the reaction of magnetic fields. Some guy invented a motor that attatches to a generator that can power a light bulb... big friggin deal. The energy has to come from somewhere.

That was my thought when I saw the title. There is no such thing as 'free' energy.

Quote from thisnameistaken :I've been following this for a couple of days. If you ask me, the whole thing is intended as a huge publicity stunt to promote something else entirely - and I think that's why the mainstream press are wholly ignoring them.

I thought publicity stunts is what the mainstream media aired?
Quote from MAGGOT :There is no such thing as 'free' energy.

How about the sun? Wind? Thermal energy? All three are I would think classified as potential energy.

Or am I missing the point?
Quote from jayhawk :How about the sun? Wind? Thermal energy? All three are I would think classified as potential energy.

Or am I missing the point?

The sun creates heat by burning gas. Wind and "thermal energy" both result from the sun's heat generation.

Maybe it could be argued that tidal movement is "free" energy, given that it is controlled by the orbit of the moon. I don't know enough about how stuff flies about in outer space to comment.
Quote from jayhawk :How about the sun? Wind? Thermal energy? All three are I would think classified as potential energy.

Or am I missing the point?

I am not knowledgable enough on the subject to make a convincing argument myself, I'm sure someone else here is, though, but all energies you've listed stem from some other phenomenon. All those phenomenon stem from another, and so on. An 'Energy Circle' if you will.

As a slight aside; some "free energy" devices available on the internet simply leach energy off of other sources (like power lines and the like). While these technically work (some better than others, none economical enough to justify, really) they are still not free energy. They do not create energy, they steal it from other sources. The one who yields these devices gets the small amount of energy for free, but the energy itself is not "free" in that it is not generated by the device. The other "free energy" devices simply don't work.
Unless of course you mean free as in doesn't cost anything.
There is tons of free energy, however the problem is harnessing it. We have those huge wind power generating stations (the ones in Blackwood ), but a lot of the energy we get is from the sun. If solar panels were cheaper, it could truly be a solution to the energy demands of this planet. To take a shot at the "article": energy from magnetic fields? In order to get energy from a magnetic field, the field has to move. A stationary field gives nothing, except headaches. To make the field move you need, that's right, energy. What are they gonna try next, a perpetual motion machine?
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :There is tons of free energy, however the problem is harnessing it. We have those huge wind power generating stations (the ones in Blackwood ), but a lot of the energy we get is from the sun.

So can we claim virtual carbon neutrality ?.

A first for a game.
Quote from Racer X NZ :So can we claim virtual carbon neutrality ?

I'll just buy some carbon credits. Then I don't have to worry.
#16 - Vain
Actually there are hundrets of those attempts each year over the globe. And no, they are not stupid. Actually very smart.

The principle works like this:
You act like you came up with something that is going to revolutionize the world as it is. The 0.5 litre engine with 500 hp, a lightbulp that converts 95% electric energy to light, the super-alloy that weights less than magnesium and is stronger than steel, whatever. With your new and genius invention you start a new company, and offer yourself to become it's CEO.
Now you convince banks to finance you. After all, this invention is going to change the world as it is, and undoubtably your invention will generate money like plutonium generates radiation, so the bank will make great profit by financing you. During this phase you need to stirr up as much attention as possible. Every bank and every bank's advisor on this planet needs to believe that your invention works. And since you're talking about banks you don't convince them with physics but with flashy papers and nice powerpoint-presentations.
Being the CEO of the aspiring company you pay yourself a very hefty wage for something like two years. Then you go "Whoops, it didn't work!", declare insolvency, fire yourself off the position as a CEO, claim that you as your own employee may keep the wages you received and try to get away with it.

* ToDo: Study laws and add a proper legal explanation.

Quote from Vain :The 0.5 litre engine with 500 hp

But that wouldn't "defy the laws of physics", considering only about 20% of the energy produced by the combustion of gasoline actually gets to the wheels.
what about this carbon thread stuff I hear about? I know it's not an energy source, but it's supposed to utilize energy more efficiently than anything else. Does anyone know much about that?
It sounds way too good to be true, but reports I read in the paper really aren't that much in depth about it.
#19 - JTbo
Quote from wheel4hummer :Unless of course you mean free as in doesn't cost anything.

This sounds enough free to me, where do I sign
(spookthehamster) DELETED by spookthehamster
The title of this thread is funny. I just wanted to make note that you can't have White Free Energy, because that would be racist.

Irish Free Energy ??
(21 posts, started )