Team BlitZ comback!
(116 posts, started )
I'll throw my shot onto the pile!
Hope it goes well Niko, Now remeber dont remeber what u did :P
what indeed O.o

and as for drifting. thats a big no.
BlitZ was a banger style, stock car racing team if I remember right.
I'll throw another few shots too, it might be a bit sticky though...
I'm basically saying don't do what it is that you did, without sounding to obvious lol my bad,Anyway Niko good luck with the team.

Lol well atleast according to Niko himself thats what Blitz is, anyway like i said hope it goes well.
Quote from AstroBoy :I'm basically saying don't do what it is that you did, without sounding to obvious lol my bad,Anyway Niko good luck with the team.

Lol well atleast according to Niko himself thats what Blitz is, anyway like i said hope it goes well.

What on earth are you rambling on about?
Quote from LFSn00b :Pixelcars!

Just a tip, work on the skins not pixelcars

By the way, Mower is with a 'w' not 'v'.
Quote from jamesrowe :Just a tip, work on the skins not pixelcars

By the way, Mower is with a 'w' not 'v'.

I thought it was my job to do the skins
And I have no objections to the pixels cars. at least the are to do with [BlitZ].
At least no one will join Blitz for their ubber nice skins j/k
Quote from Riders Motion :At least no one will join Blitz for their ubber nice skins j/k

No no, they will join for the shire driver talent. Joke
Quote from Riders Motion :At least no one will join Blitz for their ubber nice skins j/k

A lame joke at that and not funny in the slightest. Stew put alot of time into the skins, joke or not...Its still very tasteless.

Good luck Niko and the guys...Do me proud
I feel like I'll see you skin from pretty close and that pretty soon *install steering wheel*
I'm way away from any shire's O.o
So how many people in the team now?
#42 - DeKo
Quote from thisnameistaken :Shire driver talent?

the thing that creeps me out is the domain that pic is stored on, In theory, thats a member of your government with a picture of samwise.
Riders Motion #04 applying for BlitZ, 6000+ miles clocked (sideways but oh well...) and serious about being in an active team, seeking close racing and fair friendship

Niko and Stew200 got my msn
I'm looking forward to improve my times and make BlitZ and all of its members proud
Quote from Riders Motion :I'm looking forward to improve my times and make BlitZ and all of its members proud

Nice one, well done
Quote from Riders Motion :I'm looking forward to improve my times and make BlitZ and all of its members proud

Well done, good luck and sorry about the bad new with you being a drifter and all...
bastards i want him for subsonic

EDIT:may hav dodged a bullit j/k good luck to u sir
'Blitz Rallycross' server will soon be online, it's been two months I'm waiting for the server from Kiss Me, and I thought eight slots would be enough for rallycross. We'll use it for various disciplines at first but I hope someone *points a Niko* will evantually buy a 32 slots server for the race stuff.
Well done riders on finding a team

BTW, rallyx sucks

Team BlitZ comback!
(116 posts, started )