The online racing simulator
Am I the only one who senses a yet-to-be-released LX car?
I love the design of the competition websites, nice job on that. That picture of the LX doing the slalom is awesome.
hmmm too many good entry's , i might as well submit a skin to make up the numbers
Yay.. I'll be there in my Second favorite LFS car..

Oh wait.. I am stuck driving a LX4?
"Just join one of the competition hosts and enter the race with your LX4 when it's your turn."
Or is that just a Type-O here
Quote from SpaceMarineITA :Just a little problem:

There will still be F1 silverstone gp at that time

Take your pick, I know what I'm gonna be doing.. :P... at 6:00 AM my time...
Since the competition is starting in just a few hours, I thought I'd start off

Blackwood... Minute... Yada Yada?

I think that this is just leading up to a special release of a lost car...
yeah LOL! . Win all 3 weeks and you get an LX8
I will surely enter the skinning competition. Awesome initiative
I dunno, what would I do with 2 G25's?

(Stupid waiting 60 seconds between posts, annoying when you open multiple tabs and reply to them each and then haffto wait a few minutes to post them and get beaten by other uglier people.)

Also, I'm pondering entering the skin competition, I know that if I get some ideas, I can do a great skin.
Quote from Breizh :Great fun
Official events like this should happen more often.

and about a second after that screen was taken me and rigun were pointing the wrong way >_< (totally my fault, of course)

Fantastic racing on that server, the LX4's have it through the corners but the LX6's can really open up down the long straight, makes for lots of places being traded. Lots of people also very willing to hand out sets and to help out wherever needed . I know its been over-used/said, but this really does show how brilliant this community really is.
Also people, there is an LX at FE server, why isn't that full too?
was reasonably full last night. Join it then ppl will come just as last night.
but pw'ed?
Come on Victor, let us in!
Wow, the compare two laps on the competition website is awesome! Comparison of driving lines, traces with speed and thing that would be fantastic is if we were able to see the overhead view with the traces a little larger. Really cool idea though.
I think the track needs to be marker out clearer.
I get lost on the track.
Is the "LX Month Competition www.lfsnet" going to be up there for a month? I dislike the LX and wish not to see it every time I look for a host?

:hide: :sadbanana
Quote from Nighty :I think the track needs to be marker out clearer.

It's actually pretty straight forward, Shift+U and save the layout, practice offline, you will find it's not that tough
Slight problem, if its your turn to join but somebody starts connecting, theres a chance you could potentially miss your turn.

ALSO, clicking the button to report yourself back doesnt work, you have to actually type !back.

apart from that, great
finally figured out last part of the route idd. Now the speed ....
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