cockpit. always have. always will. i only really might flick to tv camera view on a straight to see how my vehicle is looking (ie, if it is damaged) then straight bak into teh cokpit!!!11oneoneleven
people hate the search button... there has already been a poll on what view people drive with... why cant people take a second and think "wow lfs has been around for years, i wonder if someone else has thought of making a thread on ____ topic already?"
yea but you have to admit, if the threadstarter had revived that old thread, someone else would just start moaning about bringing it back up again and so on, so you cant do right for doing wrong really.
Very important option missing - Inside cockpit, custom view position.
Could a moderator add this option to the poll, even if it means resetting it, please. Otherwise it's one useless poll.
We each have our own subtle exploits that we use to our advantage. Whether it's chase-view or auto-blip it's all good and who's to say that we're wrong.
Was about to post that, since it's what I use. I can't reset the poll without making a new thread though (and then moving all the posts across, except the first post that is). I can edit the votes though if people want to re-vote.