The online racing simulator
Too extreme to upload?
(33 posts, started )

Poll : Should this skin be uploaded to LFSW?

Too extreme to upload?
It sends out a very true-to-life message, but might be edging over borderline for acceptance to be uploaded to LFSW. So, what do you think? xD
Attached images
don't upload that.......... cus kids play live for speed too.
#3 - Slopi
Seeing as some servers will kick you for that word alone, I wouldn't recommend using it.
#4 - Dumpy
I took the courtesy of censoring your skin for you - it is now G rated!

PS: that was a lot of shit!
Attached images
censored version.jpg
Quote from Dumpy :I took the courtesy of censoring your skin for you - it is now G rated!

PS: that was a lot of shit!

put crap happens on it. lol
Downloaded the UN-censored version.

No wish to "think of the children".
I'm more than adult and I do race with adults in private servers.
Quote from Blerpa :No wish to "think of the children".
I'm more than adult and I do race with adults in private servers.

I'm an adult and I have no desire to see that language on skins in LFS.
#8 - Bean0
For comedy effect, replace the offending word with a cartoon image of a turd ?
Quote from StewartFisher :I'm an adult and I have no desire to see that language on skins in LFS.


I think driving a skin like that proves how much of an adult you're NOT. Of course I too thought it's a funny skin (the one with only IT on it) .. I've got a sense of humor too

I don't want to offend anyone, just want to keep the level of professionalism up around here...
Nice skin, if you want people to think you as an immature teenager with an attitude problem, an Emo outlook, and no real friends.

You'll be banned for using it on any server I admin (which fortunately for you isn't many!)
Quote from tristancliffe :Nice skin, if you want people to think you as an immature teenager with an attitude problem, an Emo outlook, and no real friends.

You'll be banned for using it on any server I admin (which fortunately for you isn't many!)

Wow thanks tristancliffe for telling me about all these things I could be perceived as. I guess you learn something new everyday....

Anyway it's pretty obvious that it shouldn't be used online, and as such it won't be uploaded. Thanks Dumpy for censoring my skin!
I don't think Shit happends isn't that offending... Everyone has said it and it's not like your being a racist or anything with it. If you never have said SHIT then uhmmm well... your a saint.
#13 - Dru
Are you doing this skin for your own benefit or for the benefit of others?

If you really want it for your own viewing pleasure then call it what you like and just up load a skin without the swear word on it to LFS world under the same name, that way on your replays on your computer you can have the skin you like, but to the rest of the world its a harmless black or IT happens skin.

Happy comprimise?


This topic reminds me SO MUCH of Forrest Gump...
What personal gain or purpose is there to having a dumb skin like that? Especially with it that many times all over it.

If I saw someone with that skin.. honestly, I would say "yea shit does happen" and then run him off the track. Then figure out who it is and contact him.
Quote from XCNuse :What personal gain or purpose is there to having a dumb skin like that? Especially with it that many times all over it.

If I saw someone with that skin.. honestly, I would say "yea shit does happen" and then run him off the track. Then figure out who it is and contact him.

i like your style boy!
I might possibly use the censored skin
Don't like it, it's covered in shit. (sorry, had to)
ah come on it's funny
Well it's true... It was a pretty shitty skin to begin with
I'm not a native speaker... but isnt it just a common expression?
Where do you draw the line? Can you have cigarette or alcohol ads on your car?
Maybe just change it to SH!T happens. Everybody knows what you mean, but then they arent offended.
Same as with all the US tv-shows. Every F word is bleeped away, but everybody still knows what is being said...
Quote from riffey4 :I'm not a native speaker... but isnt it just a common expression?
Where do you draw the line? Can you have cigarette or alcohol ads on your car?
Maybe just change it to SH!T happens. Everybody knows what you mean, but then they arent offended.
Same as with all the US tv-shows. Every F word is bleeped away, but everybody still knows what is being said...

The point is children children children. If the immature "adults" would learn that, then we wouldn't need censorship and such out there. No, the skin does not bother me. But if I had an 8 year old who liked racing and PC gaming, then I certainly would want him racing LFS (and learning the valuable skills at such an age) and wouldn't want him looking at something like this. Of course, my views of morals seem to be quite different to the general values and morals of this society today.

Where are your values and morals if you think that the F word should not be bleeped out of public television programing that your children could possibly be seeing. It shouldn't be bleeped out in fact, it should not be there to begin with. It isn't necessary to have that word spouted out every 5 minutes, so there shouldn't be a need to shelter the children from it. It simply shouldn't be there at all.

Respect other's values folks. I swear quite a bit IRL, at work with all the other guys around. Quite a trash mouth the bunch of us are. But there is one older lady in her 50's that we work with. She doesn't like the trash talk, thus everyone tones it down when around her and respects her views. If you feel it is a necessary way to talk/act, then you are quite a shallow person.
#23 - Gunn
I don't see the big deal. Shit does happen. I must have seen that slogan on t-shirts a hundred times in public, dozens of times on tv, and I even heard a dog say it once (though there were no children in the room at that time).
I'm not offended with that skin, but if others are (and they are) i would not use it.
If you think 8 year olds don't know the F-word or sh!t, you are looking the other way already. Most kids know these words, oh think of the children... And eventually they'll learn those words anyhow, why protect them from having a large vocabulary (although it might not be the best)? I honestly can't see how the word "f*ck" or "shit" will damage a child. Or it must be a dumb kid without proper parenting, I always knew those words, but I had good parenting and I knew I couldn't use that word when it was inappropriate.

But about the skin: I don't see the use or coolness of it. It isn't really shocking, everyone knows shit happens, it's written too many times on the skin to be considered remotely cool.

But that's just my pov.

Too extreme to upload?
(33 posts, started )