The online racing simulator
Drifting or Racing?
(69 posts, started )

Poll : What do you practice the most?

Both Racing and Drifting equally
Quote from DownShift :you sir need to be shot in the head, you act as though all drifters are ricers.

i wasnt gunna post here but this prick ticked me off >.>

i'll leave now -_-

Hmmm, the death penalty for posting frivolous nonsense on a frivolous nonsensical thread? A tad harsh don't you think?
@ Storm_Cloud--but you did kinda paint all drifters with the same brush m8, so i would say that although his comment was a tad harsh, he did have a valid point.
frivolous nonsense?

Somebody wants to know whether people bought LFS to race or drift. Nonsense? I think not.
Quote from Kalev EST :Going sideways on rallycross tracks is not a mistake. I suppose one could call rallycross driftracing.

I race. Mainly because I can´t drift.... or race for that matter either... Uhm... what was I trying to say again?

i mean on tarmac/hard surface . and with a true drift, you are trying to get as high of an average drift angle from entry to exit as possible. Look at how tidy Sebastian Loeb is. then take a look at Kazama's drifting and you'll see the difference. driftracing is an abomination.
This is all fine but where is the option for those folk that do that silly cops and robbers nonsense.

It's like buying HL2 and playing hide and seek.

Anyhoo, enjoy what you do but for me it is racing 100%.
I do a bit of both!
Quote from Gabkicks :driftracing is an abomination.

Uh. I had look up the meaning of that word on google.

I was joking anyway.
Racing for sure.
What if I drift f1 cars?
No really, try to join some open wheeled server and pull up in a bf1. They'll be wondering what the hell you're doing.
whoa after reading this thread I realise that a majority of racers hang out on the forums when they could be, well, racing.

I Race
I Drift
I Pod
I try to race, but ending up having the ass sliding all over the track like I was drifting
#62 - JTbo
Quote from The Very End :I try to race, but ending up having the ass sliding all over the track like I was drifting

Hey, exactly same thing happens to me too, this must be some bug in physics

I practice powersliding mostly as that helps to learn better control, but also I do practice spatial awarness and racing tactics. But time is small and often I have to keep long brakes from racing so I'm quite well stuck to current level.
Quote from The Very End :I try to race, but ending up having the ass sliding all over the track like I was drifting

When i race sometimes i usually slide like i was driving on ice But when i try to drift i cant even slide on the grass..
Quote from Kalev EST :Uh. I had look up the meaning of that word on google.

Of course you had to.

Your English is soooo bad...
Quote from zeugnimod :Of course you had to.

Your English is soooo bad...

Well atleast my German is better than your Estonian. Du bist ein perv-ziggy! Jaaaaaaaa!

And like you knew what that word meant. I´ll believe that when it starts raining little pink piggys. Oink oink.
I'm probably 40% race 60% drift
both ^_^ Drifting when u want more challenge racing when your lazy and tired ^_^
you find drifting more challanging then racing?

Sometimes I'll drift, its helped me alot with my racing techniques, especially recovering from slight slides and the like.
Quote from duke_toaster :LFS is for racing. Drifting is a mere byproduct of a great physics but it speaks volumes about the quality physics engine when it works at the extremes of motor vehicles. Like a drag car would

Actually, I think drifting is the by-product of real life motoring. Oh... and racing is, too, since cars started out as transportation instead of recreation, for speed or for show.

I agree that drifting really shows the quality of the physics engine. Drifting is a fine test to a sim's physics. If a sim doesn't allow drifting as it should, then something is definitely porked, like ISI's famous low input poll rate/faked FFB/cliff-like slip curve (although rFactor has some of that fixed).

On topic: I do both!

Drifting or Racing?
(69 posts, started )